理论教育 城市游览安排及会面时间安排


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:I’ll arrange for you to have a city tour.8. 不知道今天桑迪先生能否安排同我会面呢?小张,出差安排得怎么样了?你们能看看你们的时间安排吗?


1. 格林先生,我打电话是想告诉您,您去北京的行程都准备好了。

Mr.Green,I’m calling to tell you your trip to Beijing is all prepared.

2. 小张,出差安排得怎么样了?

How’s it going with the travel arrangement,Xiao Zhang?

3. 我明天下午去取机票和行李票。

I’ll pick up the tickets and baggage labels tomorrow afternoon.

4. 咱们定在星期四上午9:00,怎么样?

Why don’t we set it for Thursday at 9:00 a.m.?

5. 周小姐,会议室准备好了吗?

Is the room ready for the meeting,Miss Zhou?

6. 布朗先生,您今晚有特别的事要办吗?

Do you have anything in particular tonight,Mr.Brown?

7. 我将安排您去市区观光。

I’ll arrange for you to have a city tour.

8. 不知道今天桑迪先生能否安排同我会面呢?

I wonder whether Mr.Sanday could arrange an appointment with me today?


A: Mr.Green,I’m calling to tell you your trip to Beijing is all prepared.格林先生,我打电话是想告诉您,您去北京的行程都准备好了。

B: Great,please go ahead.好的,请继续。

延伸 I’ve sent a fax to Beijing,telling them that you will arrive at 10 a.m.the day after tomorrow.我刚给北京发了传真,告诉他们您将于后天上午10点钟到达。

Good. Have you booked1the flight to Beijing?好的。你订了去北京的机票吗?

Yes.And I’ve got your plane ticket.是的。我已拿到您的机票了。


A: How’s it going with the travel arrangement,Xiao Zhang?小张,出差安排得怎么样了?

B: I’ve managed to book the flight at the time you wanted.我已经按照您要求的时间订好了班机。

延伸 OK.And?好的。还有呢?

And Mr.Wang will pick you up2at your house at 7 o’clock on Sunday morning and then drive you to the airport.周日早上7点钟,王先生会去您家接您并把您送到机场。

What about the hotel?那旅馆呢?

All the four-star rooms in Sunshine are fully booked,so I got you a fve-star one.阳光宾馆的所有四星级房间都已预订一空,所以我给您预订了一间五星级的。

I see.我知道了。


A: Good.Have you booked the flight to Beijing?好的。您订了去北京的机票吗?

B: I’ll pick up the tickets and baggage labels3tomorrow afternoon.我明天下午去取机票和行李票。

延伸 I’ve managed to book the flight at the time you wanted.我已经按照您要求的时间设法订好了航班。


1 book预订 2 pick someone up接某人

3 baggage label行李标签


A: I need to work out a time to get together with your people.Can you all take a look at your schedules?我需要找个时间和你们大家碰个头。你们能看看你们的时间安排吗?

B: Thursday mornings are usually the slowest around here.Why don’t we set it for Thursday at 9:00a.m.?星期四上午总是这儿最空闲的时候。咱们定在星期四上午9:00,怎么样?

延伸 That’s out for me.I already have a standard meeting on Thursdays at 8:30 a.m.How about Wednesday afternoon at3:00?我不行,每个周四上午8:30我都有例会。星期三下午3:00怎么样?

That’s all right for my department.I don’t know how the rest of you feel.我们部门没问题,不知道其他人意下如何。


A: Is the room ready for the meeting,Miss Zhou?周小姐,会议室准备好了吗?

B: Yes.I’ve put the minute-book and some paper copies of the agenda1on the table.And paper and pencils have been laid by their name-cards on the conference table for each attendant2.是的,我已将会议记录本和一些会议事项的复印件放在桌子上了,并且纸和铅笔都放在了每一位出席者的名片旁边。

延伸 Would you like me to set up a conference room?你想让我为你准备会议室吗?

Set up the overhead projector in the meeting room.准备好会议室里的投影机。

Right.I’ll need to reserve the small conference room for tomorrow and Thursday.没错。我得预订明天和周四要使用的小会议室。


A: Do you have anything in particular tonight,Mr.Brown?布朗先生,您今晚有特别的事要办吗?

B: Nothing special.没有。

延伸 Then would you like to join us at the party?那你愿意参加我们的舞会吗?


1 agenda议程 2 attendant出席者

I’d like to.愿意。

It’s necessary to strike a proper balance between work and leisure.劳逸结合很有必要。

I can’t agree more.我完全赞同。


A: I am free on Sunday.I would like to take a look in Beijing city.Could you tell me where to go?我周日有空,我想参观一下北京市,您可否建议我去哪儿好?

B: Sure,no problem.I’ll arrange for you to have a city tour.当然,没问题,我将安排您去市区观光。

延伸 On Sunday morning we can go to the Great Wall.Then we can go to the Summer Palace in the afternoon.In the evening we can have a terrific dinner at a famous restaurant in Beijing,Quanjude,a restaurant serving roast ducks.However if you don’t like the above trips,we can also go to some famous places outside Beijing.


Any place will be fne.You make the decision.What time shall we start?任何地方都可以。您做决定,什么时间出发?

I will pick you up at your hotel at8:00 in the morning.我上午8点去饭店接您。OK.Then see you on Sunday morning.好的,那么周日早上见。


A: Yes.I’m a salesman of YTR.I wonder whether Mr. Sanday could arrange an appointment with me today.是的,我是YTR公司的销售员,不知道今天桑迪先生能否安排同我会面呢?

B: Do you have his card?你有他的名片吗?

延伸 Yes,here it is.有,请看。

OK, wait,please.I’ll inform him…Yes,come this way, please.好的,请你等一下,我去告诉他一声……好的。请这边走。

