理论教育 延长桌布代理协议——代理谈判优化标题


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:The purpose of my present visit is to extend our agency agreement for another two years.代理申请A: Mr.Smith,I think you have already known that I want to discuss with you the problem of agency for your table cloths.史密斯先生,我想您已经知道了,我想同您谈谈你们的桌布代理事宜。如您能指定我们做你们的代理商,那我们的年营业额可以翻倍。


1. 史密斯先生,我想您已经知道了,我想同您谈谈你们的桌布代理事宜。

Mr.Smith,I think you have already known that I want to discuss with you the problem of agency for your table cloths.

2. 我方愿意做你们产品的独家代理。您意下如何?

I’m willing to be a sole agent for your products.What’s your opinion?

3. 您每年的最低营业额有多少?

What is the minimum annual turnover you could fulfll?

4. 那么,你们通常给代理商的佣金率是多少?

Then,what’s your usual commission rate for your agents?

5. 那么代理条件怎样呢?

What would be the term of agency?

6. 您的意思是不是拒绝我们做代理?

Do you mean to say you refuse us to be the agency?

7. 我们想指定一个总代理来处理我们在英国的产品销售

We’d like to appoint a general agent to handle our products in Britain.

8. 我们很乐意指定你们成为我方产品在贵国的独家代理。

We are pleased to offer you a sole agency for the sale of our products in your country.

9. 您能与我们详细讨论一下代理协议吗?

Can you discuss with us in detail the agency agreement?

10. 这次我来是想把我们之间的代理协议再延长两年。

The purpose of my present visit is to extend our agency agreement for another two years.


A: Mr.Smith,I think you have already known that I want to discuss with you the problem of agency for your table cloths.史密斯先生,我想您已经知道了,我想同您谈谈你们的桌布代理事宜。

B: Yes,you mentioned it in your last letter.But I must say your proposal came as a little surprise to us.是的,您在上次的信中提到了此事,但您的建议让我们有点吃惊。

延伸 We are very much interested in acting as your agent.我公司对担任贵公司代理一事很感兴趣。

We’d like to be your agent handling your export trade with our country.我公司愿做贵公司的代理,办理贵公司向我国出口的贸易。

We have for some years been an agent for several lines of Chinese products and are capable of acting as your agent.我公司代理数种中国产品已有多年,有能力做贵公司的代理。

If acting as your agent,we can make full use of1our good connections with the wholesalers and retailers here.如能成为贵公司的代理,我公司能充分利用我公司与当地批发商和零售商的良好关系。

We should be glad if you could consider our application to act as your agent.如果你们能考虑我们的申请,让我们担任你们的代理,我们将非常高兴。


A: I’m willing to be a sole agent for your products.What’s your opinion?我方愿意做你们产品的独家代理。您意下如何?

B: We can’t promise anything before we know more of your plan.在没有详细了解你们的计划之前,我们无法做任何承诺。

延伸 What’s the extent of the agency,sole agency2or sub-agency3?代理的权限是什么,独家代理还是分代理?

Oh,we ask you to take a sole agency.我们要求你做我们的独家代理。


1 make full use of充分利用 2 sole agency 独家代理

3 sub-agency 分代理


A: What is the minimum annual turnover1you could fulfill?您每年的最低营业额有多少?

B: About£500,000.We could double our turnover if you appoint us to be your agent.约50万英镑。如您能指定我们做你们的代理商,那我们的年营业额可以翻倍。

延伸 What is the minimum annual sales2you can guarantee?你们能保证的最低年销售量是多少?

We can sell at least60,000sets.我们至少能销售60 000台。


A: Then,what’s your usual commission rate for your agents?那么,你们通常给代理商的佣金率是多少?

B: Usually,we give a commission of 2% to our agents.我们通常给代理商2%的佣金。

延伸 2% is too low,I think. You see, we have a lot of work to do in promoting the sales,such as advertising on radio or TV,printing booklets,leaflets,catalogues3and so on.我认为2%太低了。您知道,为了推销贵方的产品,我们要做很多工作,比如在电台或电视上做广告,印刷小册子、传单和商品目录等。

Don’t worry.We’ll allow you a higher commission rate,if your sales score a substantial4increase.别担心,如果你们的销量有大幅度的增长,我们会给予更高的佣金。


A: What would be the term of agency?I mean the time period.那么代理条件怎样呢?我的意思是说,代理期限多长?(www.daowen.com)

B: Five years,and renewable for a further period of three years if both parties agree.5年。经双方同意,续约后可再延长3年。

延伸 What’s the duration of agency?代理期限有多长?

One year.一年。


1 turnover营业额 2 minimum annual sales最低年销售量

3 catalogue目录 4 substantial大量的


A: We regret that we can’t grant your request as we have already appointed an agent in your area.很遗憾,我们不能答应你们的请求,因为我们已经在当地指定了代理商。

B: Do you mean to say you refuse us to be the agency?您的意思是不是拒绝我们做代理?

延伸 Regarding1the question of sole agency,we should think it is premature 2 for us to consider it.关于独家代理,我们认为考虑此问题为时过早。

We appreciate your suggestion that you sell our products on an exclusive basis,but we think it’s premature for us to enter into the agency agreement at the present stage.


We’ve noted your request to act as our agent in your country,but we feel it would be better to defer 3 the discussion of it. 我们注意到贵方请求成为我方在贵国的代理,但是我们觉得应当推迟讨论此事。


A: We’d like to appoint a general agent to handle our products in Britain.Are you interested in it?我们想指定一个总代理来处理我们在英国的产品销售。你们对这个感兴趣吗?

B: We would be interested in acting as your general agent there,but your terms for us must be favorable.我们很有兴趣担任你们在那里的总代理,但你们给我们定的条件必须优惠。

延伸 We’ll be willing to have you as our agent until we have our own branch in your city.


If you can promote the sale of products successfully for one year,we may appoint you as our agent.如果你们在一年中能成功地推销我们的产品,我们将考虑指定你们为我们的代理。


1 regarding关于 2 premature不成熟的

3 defer推迟

Regarding your proposal to represent us for the sale of our canned foods,we have decided to appoint1you as our agent in Hong Kong.关于贵方建议销售我方罐头食品一事,我们已决定委托贵方为我方在香港的代理。


A: We are pleased to offer you a sole agency for the sale of our products in your country.我们很乐意指定你们成为我方产品在贵国的独家代理。

B: Thank you for offering us the agency for your products.谢谢贵方提出让我们代理你们的产品。

延伸 We are thinking of appointing a local sales agent.我公司考虑在当地指定一位销售代理。

We have already appointed an agent in your area.我公司已经在贵方所在地指定了代理商。

Further to our letter of June 3 and following our discussion with your representatives2 in Beijing in early July,we’ve decided to offer you an appointment as our forwarding agent3in New York on the terms and conditions listed below.在我方6月3日去函和7月初与贵方代表在北京会谈后,我们决定按下列条款委托你方为我方在纽约的运输代理。

After a careful review of our business relations and your past efforts in pushing the sale of our products,we have decided to appoint you as the exclusive agency4for our willow-wares in your country.仔细地回顾了我们之间的业务关系以及贵方促销我方产品的业绩后,我们决定委托贵方为我方柳条制品在贵国的独家代理。

What is the minimum annual sales you can guarantee if we appoint you as our agent?如我公司指定贵公司为我公司的代理,贵公司能保证的最低年销售额是多少?


A: Can you discuss with us in detail the agency agreement?您能与我们详细讨论一下代理协议吗?

B: Of course.当然可以。

延伸 The sole agent shall adequately5advertise throughout the agreed territory.独家代理应在整个协议地区进行充分的广告宣传。


1 appoint指定 2 representative代表

3 forwarding agent运输代理 4 exclusive agency独家代理

5 adequately充分地

We’ll allow you a 5% commission1and another 1% for the sales exceeding the quota2. 我公司将给贵公司5%的佣金,对超过定额的销售再给1%。

I agree to sign the agency agreement.我同意签这个代理协议。


A: The purpose of my present visit is to extend our agency agreement for another two years.这次我来是想把我们之间的代理协议再延长两年。

B: If you want to extend the agency agreement,you must guarantee to increase the annual turnover by 15%.如果你们想延长代理协议的话,你们必须保证使年销售量增加15%。

延伸 Right,considering the working relationship between us and your experience in dealing with the customers,we suggest a trial period of one year.If everything turns out satisfactory,we can renew the agency agreement on its expiry.好吧,考虑到我们的合作关系,以及你们在应对顾客方面的经验,我们建议试做一年。如果一切令人满意,我们可以在代理协议期满时加以延长。


1 commission佣金 2 quota配额

