理论教育 如何做好谈判前的准备与控制局面


时间:2023-06-05 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:你一定要会说的场景句1. 谈判前我们应该做什么?延伸 In general,most business negotiators come to the negotiation table with an agenda for meeting in mind.一般来说,大多数谈判人员在谈判之前脑子里已拟定了谈判议程。Another aspect of negotiation preliminaries is manipulation1of the negotiation situation to your company’s advantage.谈判前期需要准备的另一个方面是利用自己公司的优势来控制谈判局面。In business negotiation,it is considered that one side with fewer participants2to be at a serious disadvantage.在商务谈判中,谈判人员较少的一方常被视为处于严重的劣势。谈判人员基本素质A: What makes a good negotiator?



1. 谈判前我们应该做什么?

What should we do before negotiations?

2. 优秀的谈判者应具备什么素质?

What makes a good negotiator?

3. 首席谈判,无论他是谈判团队成员还是顾问,当他代表着公司时,就肩负着整个公司的职责和信誉。

The CN,whether staff or consultant,carries the entire responsibility and trust of the company when acting on its behalf.

4. 玛丽,明天与约翰逊先生的会议有关的一切事宜都没问题了吗?

Mary,is everything going well for tomorrow’s meeting with Mr.Johnson?

5. 史密斯先生,我打电话来与您确认一下会面的事宜。

Mr.Smith,I’m calling to confrm the appointment with you.

6. 我们可以从回顾上次会谈的结果开始吗?

Shall we begin with a review from last time?

7. 有没有更进一步的问题或者意见?

Are there any further questions or comments?

8. 经过这么耗费精力的谈判,我们双方都需要好好休息一下。

Both of us deserve a good rest after the energy-consuming negotiations.

9. 我们休息一下,让头脑清醒清醒,下午再继续,好吗?

How about having a break and resuming in the afternoon with a fresh mind?

10. 哦,会议已经快要开完了,还剩那么多的点心

Well, the meeting is almost over, and there are still lots of snacks left.

11. 我们终于成功地签了合同。允许我为我们生意的成功和未来的合作举杯祝贺。

We’ve made it at last.Allow me to propose a toast to the success of our business and to our future cooperation.


A: What should we do before negotiations?谈判前我们应该做什么?

B: It is common to learn as much as possible about a potential client or partner before negotiations.在谈判前,一般要尽可能多地了解潜在的客户或合伙人。

延伸 In general,most business negotiators come to the negotiation table with an agenda for meeting in mind.一般来说,大多数谈判人员在谈判之前脑子里已拟定了谈判议程。

Another aspect of negotiation preliminaries is manipulation1of the negotiation situation to your company’s advantage.谈判前期需要准备的另一个方面是利用自己公司的优势来控制谈判局面。

The location of the negotiation is perhaps the most important situational factor for several reasons,both practical and psychological.从实际和心理的角度而言,谈判场所也许是最重要的客观因素。

In business negotiation,it is considered that one side with fewer participants2to be at a serious disadvantage.在商务谈判中,谈判人员较少的一方常被视为处于严重的劣势。


A: What makes a good negotiator?优秀的谈判者应具备什么素质?

B: A good negotiator should be flexible enough and adeptly deal with a great amount of ever-emerging information and uncertainties.一个优秀的谈判者应善于随机应变,能巧妙地处理大量不断出现的信息以及不确定的因素。

延伸 It is necessary for a good negotiator to be patient.一名优秀的谈判者必须具有耐心。

A competent chief negotiator(CN)is gregarious by disposition3and excels in social settings.一位有能力的首席谈判在性格上要擅长交际,在各种社交场合中要出类拔萃。


A: The CN, whether staff or consultant,carries the entire responsibility and trust of the company when acting on its behalf.首席谈判,无论他是谈判团队成员还


1 manipulation控制 2 participant参与者

3 disposition性格是顾问,当他代表着公司时,就肩负着整个公司的职责和信誉。

B: Because negotiations are concerned with each side getting the other to change positions,the CN must be highly adaptable1.谈判的目的与一方使另一方改变立场有关,因而首席谈判必须具备高度的适应能力

延伸 Physical fitness,endurance,and a reasonably abstemious2nature are highly desirable,and bankable attributes in a CN.健康的身体、耐力以及合理的节制,对首席谈判来说,是极为需要和可信的特质。

Negotiations seldom go completely according to plans;nor will they always change in preconceived patterns.谈判既不会完全按照计划进行,也不会总是按照预想的模式变化。

The ability to concentrate on those issues at the heart of the negotiation is an asset the CN cannot afford to be without.作为首席谈判,要有能力专注于那些谈判中的核心问题,这是不可或缺的素质。

People who cannot communicate their ideas or understand those put forth by counterparts3are of little use around the negotiation table.不能表达自己的想法或不理解对方所提出的观点的人,在谈判桌上是毫无用处的。

A CN must also have a keen sense of what is motivating his counterparts so as to communicate the proper image. 首席谈判应熟知如何调动对手由此展现出良好的形象。


A: Mary,is everything going well for tomorrow’s meeting with Mr. Johnson?


B: Yes.Everyone has been told by external4memo.I’ve also made sure of the meeting schedule with each presenter,personally.没问题了。都已经用对外通知告知大家了,而且我也当面与每位出席者确定了会议的议程。

延伸 Are all the audiovisual5aids ready? 所有视听器材都准备好了吗?

Yes.There were a few bugs with the slide presentation but they’ve all been taken care of.准备好了。幻灯片放映时本来有些小毛病,不过现在已经修复了。


A: Mr. Smith, I’m calling to confirm the appointment with you. Your secretary,


1 adaptable适应性强的 2 abstemious有节制的,适度的

3 counterpart相对应的人或物 4 external外在的,外部的(www.daowen.com)

5 audiovisual视听的

Miss Yang made it with me the day after tomorrow.史密斯先生,我打电话来与您确认一下会面的事宜,您的秘书杨小姐把时间定在了后天。

B: OK.Is it at 9:30 next Monday morning at my office?好的。是下周一上午9点半在我的办公室吗?

延伸 Jack,I’d like to check with you the program for Thursday again to make sure that everything is in order.杰克,为了确保万无一失,我想再核对一下周四的日程表

All right.We’ve arranged1for a car to pick up Mr.Johnson and his colleague at the airport.They’re due to arrive at9:30.好的。我们已经安排车去机场接约翰逊先生和他的同事了。他们定于9:30到。


A: Shall we begin with a review from last time?我们可以从回顾上次会谈的结果开始吗?

B: Yes.当然可以。

延伸 Perhaps we should begin our meeting by having donuts and coffee.也许我们的会谈应该从吃甜甜圈和喝咖啡开始。

Perhaps we should start by examining the obstacles2.也许我们应该从检查障碍开始。

I believe you are right,so let’s get started.我想您是对的,所以我们开始吧!


A: Are there any further questions or comments?有没有更进一步的问题或者意见?

B: No,I don’t have any.不,我没有什么问题。

延伸 Does anyone have any more questions or doubts about the proposal3?关于这个建议,还有人有疑问吗?

Yes,I still have some doubts,but time will tell.是的,我还有一些疑问,但时间会解答的。

If there are still unanswered questions,I will be happy to stay later.如果还有问题没有得到解答,我很乐意留下来。


1 arrange安排 2 obstacle障碍

3 proposal建议

Thanks,because I have a few more questions.谢谢你,因为我还有一些问题。

I sense you have some lingering1doubts about these decisions.我觉得您对于这些决定尚有疑虑。


A: Each of us will sign two formal copies of the contract:the Chinese copy and the English copy.我们每人签两份合同的正式文件:一份中文的,一份英文的。

B: Both of us deserve a good rest after the energy-consuming negotiations.


延伸 Could you excuse me for about 15 minutes?可以让我休息15分钟左右吗?

How about taking a breath?休息一下,好吗?

Shall we take a coffee break?我们休息一下喝杯咖啡,好吗?

Let’s break and resume in the afternoon with a fresh mind.我们休息一下,让头脑



A: How about having a break and resuming in the afternoon with a fresh mind?


B: Why not?It happened that I’ll have to ask for my boss’s opinion about the payment terms.为什么不呢?我正好要请示一下我们老板关于付款条件的意见。

延伸 We’re running behind schedule.When will you have some free time to continue?


I’m afraid I’m only available this morning.恐怕我只有今天上午有时间。

May I suggest that we meet again soon?我可以建议咱们很快再次会谈吗?

Sure.When is a good time for you?当然。您什么时候有时间呢?


A: Well,the meeting is almost over,and there are still lots of snacks left.哦,会议已经快要开完了,还剩那么多的点心。


1 lingering延迟的,逗留不去的

B: It doesn’t matter.没关系的。

延伸 I think we have discussed most of the key issues today.我认为大部分的主要议题我们今天都已经讨论了。

We can work out the details next time.我们可以下次再来解决细节问题。

It’s party time.让我们轻松一下。

If there are still unanswered questions,I will be happy to help.还有什么问题没有解答的话,我乐意提供帮助。

Shall we call it a day?今天到此为止,好吗?


A: We’ve made it at last.Allow me to propose a toast to the success of our business and to our future cooperation.Cheers!我们终于成功地签了合同。允许我为我们生意的成功和未来的合作举杯祝贺。干杯!

B: Cheers!干杯!

延伸 Let’s celebrate this deal by having lunch tomorrow.You need a break.让我们为这次交易庆祝一下,明天一起吃顿午饭吧。你需要休息了。

That would be great.那太好了。

