理论教育 中国仲裁程序规则及调解流程解析


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:如果在中国进行仲裁,只能运用中国的程序规则吗?延伸 Upon application,the two arbitration bodies each appoint one or more conciliators to conciliate3the case jointly on an equal basis.接到申请之后,两个仲裁机构各指派一名或多名调解员,在平等的基础上调解争端。场景词汇1 arbitration仲裁2 procedure程序3 conciliate调解4 liable应负责的5 dispute争议关于裁决A: How is the arbitral award made?


1. 如果在中国进行仲裁,只能运用中国的程序规则吗?

If arbitration is conducted in China, must Chinese rules of procedure be applied?

2. 我们是否把此案提交仲裁?

Shall we submit the case for arbitration?

3. 裁决是怎样做出的?

How is the arbitral award made?

4. 中国的仲裁费用很高吗?

Is the cost of arbitration in China very high?

5. 仲裁员名单里的成员是怎样挑选的?

How are the members of the panel of arbitrators selected?

6. 如果有一方不执行仲裁的决定和判决该怎么办?

What if one party doesn’t follow the decision and award?

7. 我们发现货物短缺时该怎么办?

What should we do when we fnd a shortage in the shipment?

8. 我们拒绝赔偿损失

We reject the claim for the losses.

9. 我们知道这个问题是我们造成的,因此我们同意私下和解。

We know that the problem was caused by us, so we would like to settle it in private.


A: If arbitration1is conducted in China,must Chinese rules of procedure2be applied?如果在中国进行仲裁,只能运用中国的程序规则吗?

B: Yes,of course.But if arbitration takes place in a foreign country,then the rules of the foreign corresponding institution will be applied.是的,当然是这样。但如果仲裁在另一个国家进行,那么将使用这一国家相应机构的规则。

延伸 Upon application,the two arbitration bodies each appoint one or more conciliators to conciliate3the case jointly on an equal basis.接到申请之后,两个仲裁机构各指派一名或多名调解员,在平等的基础上调解争端。

If the joint conciliation doesn’t work, the case will be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the arbitration clause.如果联合调解未能成功,争端就会依据仲裁条款通过仲裁解决。

In case of a dispute,the two parties may agree to go to arbitration rather than go to court.如果发生争执,争执双方可能达成协议接受仲裁而不是走上法庭。

In arbitration,a neutral expert or group of experts called“arbitrators”are chosen by

the disputing parties.在仲裁过程中,由争议双方选择一个或一组持中立态度的专家,称为“仲裁员”。


A: I believe we shall not be held liable4for the damage. Shall we submit the case for arbitration?我认为我们对此损失不负有责任。我们是否把此案提交仲裁?

B: Of course,we don’t oppose the matter be submitted for arbitration.当然,我们不反对将此问题提交仲裁解决。

延伸 Should you not agree to accept our proposal,we would like to settle by arbitration.


We wish to settle this dispute5fairly and suggest that we submit it to arbitration.


We agree arbitration be held in a third country in Sweden,for instance.我们同意在第三国,比如瑞典,进行仲裁。


1 arbitration仲裁2 procedure程序

3 conciliate调解4 liable应负责的

5 dispute争议


A: How is the arbitral award made?裁决是怎样做出的?

B: By the decision of the majority of the arbitrators.根据大多数仲裁员的意见来决定。

延伸 The seller’s solicitors submitted a written defense,arguing that the buyers were in breach of the contract by failing duly to open letters of credit.卖方委托律师提出书面答辩,指出买方未按期开立信用证,应负违约责任

The Arbitration Tribunal comes to the conclusion that the sellers shall be held responsible

for the breach of the contract.仲裁庭决定本案违约责任应由卖方承担。

Every decision is made in the spirit of fairness and reasonableness and of seeking

truth from facts.每项决定均本着公平合理、实事求是的精神做出。(www.daowen.com)


A: Is the cost of arbitration in China very high?中国的仲裁费用很高吗?

B: No,it isn’t.If you submit your dispute to arbitration,you only need to pay a reasonable fee to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission according to the Arbitration Fee Schedule.不,不高。如果您要对争议进行仲裁的话,您只需要根据仲裁费用表的规定向中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会交纳合理的费用即可。

延伸 Another thing,how is the cost of arbitration to be divided?还有一件事,仲裁费用如何分割?

Generally speaking,all the fees for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party.



A: How are the members of the panel of arbitrators selected1?仲裁员名单里的成员是怎样挑选的?

B: They are selected from well-known persons with special knowledge and practical experience in international trade and economics,science and technology,law and other fields.是从在国际贸易经济学、科学技术、法律和其他领域中具有专门知识和实际经验的知名人士当中挑


1 select挑选选出来的。

延伸 Are there any foreign citizens on the Chinese panel of arbitrators?中国仲裁员名单里有没有外国公民?

Oh,yes,there are.In fact,quite a few of the arbitrators on the panel are foreign citizens.They are from the United States,Great Britain and some other countries and regions.是的,有啊。实际上,仲裁员名单中有好几位外国公民。他们来自美国、英国以及其他国家和地区。


A: What if one party doesn’t follow the decision and award?如果有一方不执行仲裁的决定和判决该怎么办?

B: If things like that happen,the People’s Court in China can enforce it at the request of the other party.But disputes are usually settled1by friendly negotiation between the two parties.如果出现了那种情况,中国人民法院可以根据另一方的要求强制执行。但是争议通常是通过双方的友好协商来解决的。

延伸 Another question,is an award made in China enforceable in another country?还有一个问题,在中国做出的裁决可以在别的国家执行吗?

Yes.China is a signatory2to the 1985 New York Convention.可以。中国是1985年《纽约公约》的签署国之一。


A: What should we do when we find a shortage3in the shipment?我们发现货物短缺时该怎么办?

B: You could do one of two things:you could lodge a claim4with the ship owner or with the insurance company.您可以用两种方法:向船方索赔或向保险公司索赔。

延伸 The goods you sent us are different from the sample we gave you. 贵方发给我们的货与我们送去的样品不符。

There’s a serious problem.The case contained completely different goods from the

ones we ordered. 出现了严重问题,箱子中的货物与我们订购的货物完全不同。

A shortage of 80 tons is a big loss for us.We have to lodge a claim against you.


1 settle解决 2 signatory签署国

3 shortage短缺 4 lodge a claim提出索赔


Our customers complain that the goods are much inferior in quality to that of your samples.我方客户抱怨货物的质量远远低于样品质量。


A: We reject1the claim for the losses.我们拒绝赔偿损失。

B: Our insurance covered All Risks,so the insurance company should be liable for total loss on land or sea of the insured goods.我们投保的是一切险,所以保险公司就要负责赔偿所保之物发生在海上或陆上的全部损失。

延伸 We cannot entertain2your claim.Your claim should be referred to the insurance company.我们不能受理你们的索赔。你们的索赔应提交保险公司。

Your claim is not reasonable.We cannot accept it.您的索赔不合理,我们不予接受。

We regret being unable to accept your claim because the cases were in perfect condition when the goods were loaded on board of the ship.很抱歉,我们不能接受你们的索赔,因为货物上船时箱子是完好的。

Without sufficient3evidence to support,your claim is untenable.贵方的索赔缺乏足够的证据,根本站不住脚。


A: The percentage of defects in the consignment4you sent to us was much too high.We have lost a lot of money because of it.你们送来的这批货,瑕疵品的比例高得离谱,导致我们损失了许多钱。

B: We know that the problem was caused by us,so we would like to settle it in private.我们知道这个问题是我们造成的,因此我们同意私下和解。

延伸 In view of our friendly business relations,we are prepared to meet your claim for the 35 tons short weight.鉴于我们之间的友好业务关系,我们准备赔偿35吨短重。

We’re prepared to make you a reasonable compensation but not the amount you claimed.我们准备给你们合理的赔偿,但不是你们索赔的数目。We’ll contact our insurance company and pay for the damage.我们将与我们的保险公司联系以赔偿你方的损失。


1 reject拒绝 2 entertain受理

3 sufficient足够的 4 consignment委托,寄售商品

