理论教育 如何正确选择保险?- 四种保险你需要了解的场景句

如何正确选择保险?- 四种保险你需要了解的场景句

更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:你一定要会说的场景句1. 我猜你们将会在中国人民保险公司投保吧?比如盗窃和提货不着险,重量、保鲜和雨淋险。Generally speaking, according to the provision1of “warehouse to warehouse clause”,it comes into force when the insured goods leave the storehouse of consignors 2 till they reach the destination of the consignee’s warehouse.一般是按照“仓至仓条款”的规定,从被保险货物离开起运地发货人的仓库时开始生效,直到送交目的地收货人的仓库时为止。


1. 我猜你们将会在中国人民保险公司投保吧?

You’ll insure with the People’s Insurance Company of China,I presume?

2. 投保一切险会怎么样呢?

What about insurance for All Risks?

3. 你们负责投保哪些险别?

What coverage will you take out for the goods?

4. 保险责任有效期是多久?

How long is the validity term of insurance responsibility?

5. 能介绍一下平安险的责任范围吗?

Could you introduce the responsibility range of the Free from Particular Average?

6. 一旦发生事故,我们如何索要保险金呢?

Once an accident happens,what shall we do to claim the compensation of insurance premium?

7. 贵方得付这个险的保费。

You should pay the premium for it.

8. 你们能否给我们一份各种险别的费率表?

Can you give us a list of rates of different coverage?


A: You’ll insure with the People’s Insurance Company of China1,I presume?


B: Naturally.那当然啦。

延伸 I’m looking for insurance from your company.我是来贵公司投保的。

After loading the goods on board,I will go to the insurance company to have them insured.装船后,我会去保险公司投保。


A: What about insurance for All Risks?投保一切险会怎么样呢?

B: Insurance for All Risks will cover the compensation of damaged goods,but the premium is relatively high.投保一切险的话,就包括了货物破损的赔偿,不过保险费也比较高。

延伸 I think we’d better have insurance against All Risks.我想我们最好还是投保一切险。Please insure against All Risks as WPA is too narrow.请投保一切险,因为水渍险范围太窄。


A: If we conclude 2 the business on CIF basis,what coverage will you take out for the goods?如果我们的这批货物以到岸价条件成交,你们负责投保哪些险别?

B: Generally speaking,we only insurance the goods With Particular Average.


延伸 Do you cover risks other than WPA,for instance,TPND,Weight and Fresh and Rainwater Damage?除水渍险以外,你们还投其他险别吗?比如盗窃和提货不着险,重量、保鲜和雨淋险。

Yes.If the buyers want to have the goods insured against these risks,we shall arrange3for them.是的,如果买主想投保此类险别,我们将给他们安排投保。


A: How long is the validity term4of insurance responsibility?保险责任有效


1 People’s Insurance Company of China 中国人民保险公司

2 conclude 成交 3 arrange安排(www.daowen.com)

4 validity term有效期


B: It is up to 60 days until the goods are unloaded from ships.直到货物在卸货港卸离轮船为止,60天内有效。

延伸 What is the term of the insurance?承保责任的起止期限有多久?

Generally speaking, according to the provision1of “warehouse to warehouse clause”,it comes into force when the insured goods leave the storehouse of consignors 2 till they reach the destination of the consignee’s warehouse.一般是



A: Could you introduce the responsibility range3of the Free from Particular Average?能介绍一下平安险的责任范围吗?

B: Free from Particular Average is responsible for the safe arrival of the goods in ocean and land transportation.In particular,it indicates that the insurance company will be responsible for compensating all losses caused by natural calamity and contingency4in transportation. 平安险负责货物在海陆运输中的平安到达。确切地说,是指投保货物在运输途中由于自然灾害意外事故造成的全部损失,由保险公司负责赔偿。

延伸 What is the coverage of the insurance?这种保险的投保范围是怎样的?

I don’t think that the WPA insurance covers more risks than the FPA.我认为水渍险承保的范围并不比平安险承保的范围宽。


A: Once an accident happens,what shall we do to claim the compensation of

insurance premium?一旦发生事故,我们如何索要保险金呢?

B: You shall hand in the claim report to the insurance company first.It is your responsibility to notify5and explain the accident.您要先向投保的保险公司提交报告,因为您有通知和解释保险事故的义务。

延伸 I have come to explain that unfortunate affair6about the insurance.我是来解释那件关于保险的不幸事件的。


1 provision规定 2 consignor发货人

3 responsibility range责任范围 4 contingency意外事故

5 notify通知 6 unfortunate affair不幸事件

The underwriters are responsible for the claim as far as it is within the scope of coverage.只要是在保险责任范围内,保险公司就应负责赔偿。


A: Could you cover the Risk of Breakage1for us?贵方能否给我们的货物上损坏险呢?

B: Risk of Breakage is classified under extraneous risks.You should pay the premium2for it.损坏险属于附加险,贵方得付这个险的保费。

延伸 Who will pay the premium?谁来付保费?

We think the premium is for your account.我方认为保费应该由贵方来付。

Are buyers responsible for the insurance charges?保费由买方来承担吗?


A: Can you give us a list of rates of different coverage?你们能否给我们一份各种险别的费率表?

B: Certainly.Here it is.当然可以。请看。

延伸 What do you think are the main factors3that determine the premium rates4?你认为决定保险费率的主要因素有哪些?

Are there close connections between the types of risks and the premium?保险险种和费率之间关系密切吗?

Yes,the more coverage is required,the higher the premium rate is.是的,保险范围越广,保险费率就越高。

Yes.This is the standard practice.是的。这是惯例。


1 Risk of Breakage损坏险 2 premium保费

3 main factor主要因素 4 premium rate保险费率

