理论教育 优化付款条件,达成合作贸易


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:你一定要会说的场景句1. 现在谈谈付款方式如何?我们期望用付款交单方式付款。那么贵方能否接受付款交单?我们可否分10个月付款?场景词汇1 insurance保险 2 specimen样本3 specific circumstance具体情况 4 installment分期付款5 compromise折中货到付款A: We insist on payment in cash on delivery1.我们坚持货到付款。Please accept C.O.D.for this lesser sum order.鉴于这个订单金额很小,请接受货到付款的方式。为了达成交易,我们都各让一步,一半用信用证、一半用付款交单付款怎么样?好吧,我同意你方要求用信用证付款的条件。


1. 现在谈谈付款方式如何?

Now what about your terms of payment?

2. 我们期望用付款交单方式付款。

We’d like to make payment by D/P.

3. 我们可否分10个月付款?

Can we pay on a ten-month installment plan?

4. 我们坚持货到付款。

We insist on payment in cash on delivery.

5. 我们要求信用证付款。

We do require payment by L/C.

6. 我们把有效期定在哪一天?

When should we set the expiry date?

7. 那么我应该什么时候开立信用证?

Then when shall I open the L/C?

8. 贵方能否延缓我们的付款时间?

Could you wait a little longer for the payment?


A: We’ve settled all the questions about price,insurance1,packing and shipment.Now what about your terms of payment?我们已经确定了价格、保险、包装和装运的所有问题。现在谈谈付款方式如何?

B: As you’ve seen from the specimen2contract, we require payment by confirmed,irrevocable L/C payable against presentation of shipping documents.正如你们从合同样本上看到的那样,我们要求的付款方式是保兑的、不可撤销的、凭提交的装运单据付款的信用证。

延伸 I heard you would accept different kinds of payment.我听说你们接受不同类型的付款方式。

Quite right. But that all depends on the specific circumstances3.是的,不过,那要看具体情况而定。

But for the moment,I’m afraid we must insist on our usual payment terms.可是眼下,恐怕我们必须坚持我们常用的付款方式。


A: We’d like to make payment by D/P.Would you accept it?我们期望用付款交单方式付款。贵方认为如何?

B: We only accept L/C in our trial actions with new customers like you.对于新客户,我们在交易中只接受信用证。

延伸 Then is D/P acceptable to you?那么贵方能否接受付款交单?

I’m afraid we must insist on our usual form.恐怕我们必须坚持我们通常的方式。


A: Can we pay on a ten-month installment4plan?我们可否分10个月付款?

B: We ask for a twenty percent down payment.我们要求20%的首期付款。

延伸 Let’s make a compromise5.What about 50% by L/C and the balance by installment?


Well,we accept it.好吧,我们同意。


1 insurance保险 2 specimen样本

3 specific circumstance具体情况 4 installment分期付款

5 compromise折中(www.daowen.com)


A: We insist on payment in cash on delivery1.我们坚持货到付款。

B: We won’t accept payment in cash on delivery.我们不接受货到付款。

延伸 We insist on payment in cash on delivery without allowing any discount2.我公司坚持货到付款,不打任何折扣。

Please accept C.O.D.for this lesser sum order.鉴于这个订单金额很小,请接受货到付款的方式。


A: To meet each other halfway,what do you say,50% by L/C and the balance by D/P?为了达成交易,我们都各让一步,一半用信用证、一半用付款交单付款怎么样?

B: I’m awfully sorry,but I’m afraid I cannot promise even that.We do require payment by L/C.非常抱歉,但恐怕这也不能接受,我们要求信用证付款。

延伸 Could you make an exception and accept D/P?您能否破例,接受付款交单?

I’m afraid not. We insist on a letter of credit3.恐怕不行。我们坚持信用证付款方式。


A: Well,I agree to your payment by L/C.Another thing,how long should our L/C be valid;that is,when should we set the expiry4date?好吧,我同意你方要求用信用证付款的条件。另一件事,议付时间多长?也就是说,我们把有效期定在哪一天?

B: The L/C is valid for fifteen days after the shipment date.信用证的有效期到交货期后15天。

延伸 The L/C remains valid until the 15th day after shipment.信用证在装船后15日内有效。

What is the period of validity of the letter of credit?信用证的有效期是多长时间?


A: It seems I have no alternative5but to agree to use an L/C.Then when shall I


1 cash on delivery(C.O.D.) 货到付款 2 discount折扣

3 letter of credit信用证 4 expiry终止,期满

5 alternative 选择

open the L/C?这样看来,我除了同意信用证外,别无选择。那么我应该什么时候开立信用证?

B: Your L/C should reach us a month before the time you want the goods to be delivered.你们的信用证必须在你们想要交货前一个月抵达我处。

延伸 When can you arrange for a credit under the new import license1?贵方什么时候能按照新进口许可证的规定开出信用证?

Please open a letter of credit in good time.请及时开出信用证。

Our letter of credit will be opened in early March.我们会在3月初开出信用证。

We’ll open the credit letter one month before shipment.我们会在装船前一个月开立信用证。

Please open the L/C 20 to 30 days before the date of delivery.请在交货前20至30天开出信用证。


A: Could you wait a little longer for the payment?贵方能否延缓我们的付款时间?

B: I have to talk to my manager about this.关于这个,我得和我的经理谈一谈。

延伸 I regret2that we cannot pay the entire amount today and hope you understand our situation and the reason for the delay.很遗憾我们今天不能支付全部货款,希望


We would like to request an extended payment plan with your company.我们想向贵公司请求延迟付款。

Could you allow us a further 60 days to clear our account?你们能允许我们延迟60天结账吗?


1 import license进口许可证 2 regret遗憾

