理论教育 如何优化佣金与折扣?


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:史密斯先生,您觉得这样如何:如果您的订货总额增加到45 000美元,我们可以考虑给予你们3%的佣金。可是我们通常可以从欧洲供应商那里得到5%的佣金。Usually the commission is three percent of the net invoice5amount after deduction6 of discounts.通常佣金为扣除折扣后发票上净额的3%。场景词汇1 raise提高 2 commission佣金3 supplier供应商 4 exceed超过5 invoice发票 6 deduction扣除B: We think this market could bear a 5% commission on our invoice value.That’s CIF value.我们认为这儿的市场可按我们的发票金额收5%的佣金。


1. 你们不能把佣金提高到5%吗?

Couldn’t you raise the commission to fve percent?

2. 那么贵公司给我们多少佣金?

Then how many percent of commission do you allow us?

3. 给代理机构的佣金率是多少?

What is the commission rate for the agency?

4. 你们期望的佣金是多少?

What is the commission you expect?

5. 我们通常不给佣金。

We usually don’t allow any commission.

6. 那我们再谈谈折扣的问题。

That leads us to the question of discounts.

7. 订货量大,就会给折扣,所以我们打算给您5%的折扣。

A discount will be given for a big order,so we are willing to give you a 5% discount.

8. 我们最多可以给您10%的折扣。

We can offer you at most a 10% discount.


A: Couldn’t you raise1the commission2to five percent?你们不能把佣金提高到5%吗?

B: Considering our good relationship and our future business,we give you four percent.考虑到我们友好的业务关系和将来的业务,我们给你们4%的佣金。

延伸 The commission you offer us is too little.你们给我们的佣金实在太少了。All right.We’ll give you a 10% commission as an exception.好吧,我们将破例给贵方10%的佣金。

Mr.Smith, what do you think of this:you increase your order to $45,000,and we grant you a 3% commission?史密斯先生,您觉得这样如何:如果您的订货总额增加到45 000美元,我们可以考虑给予你们3%的佣金。

Mr.Li,I very much appreciate your concession.But we can usually get a 5% commission from European suppliers3.李先生,我很感谢您的让步。可是我们通常可以从欧洲供应商那里得到5%的佣金。


A: Then how many percent of commission do you allow us?那么贵公司给我们多少佣金?

B: If your order for the goods exceeds410,000 sets,we’ll give you a 5% commission.如果贵公司订货超过10 000套,我公司给贵公司5%的


延伸 What is your usual practice in giving commission?你们对佣金是怎么规定的?

Usually the commission is three percent of the net invoice5amount after deduction6 of discounts.通常佣金为扣除折扣后发票上净额的3%。


A: What is the commission rate for the agency?给代理机构的佣金率是多少?


1 raise提高 2 commission佣金

3 supplier供应商 4 exceed超过

5 invoice发票 6 deduction扣除

B: We think this market could bear a 5% commission on our invoice value.That’s CIF value.我们认为这儿的市场可按我们的发票金额收5%的佣金。我是指到岸价的金额。

延伸 Is that a fixed percentage?The same for all orders,large or small?佣金率是固定的吗?适用于大小不同的订单吗?

Yes,fixed regardless of the size of the orders.是的,佣金率不随订单金额大小而有所改变。


A: What is the commission you expect?你们期望的佣金是多少?

B: 8% on total sales.总销售额的8%。

延伸 How much commission do you expect?您期望的佣金是多少?

I usually get a commission of 10% from the buyers.我一般从买主那儿得到10%的佣金。


A: We usually don’t allow any commission.我们通常不给佣金。

B: But it doesn’t conform to the international trade practice1.但这不符合国际贸易惯例啊。

延伸 Well,Mr. Smith,you know,our prices are quoted on FOB net basis.As a rule,we

don’t allow any commission.史密斯先生,您知道,我们报的是离岸价净价。按惯例是不给佣金的。

But,you know,we’re a commission agent.We do business on commission basis.Commission transaction will surely help to push the sale of your products.可是,您知道,我们是佣金商,靠获得佣金来做生意。付佣金的交易有助于你们产品的推销。

We usually allow no commission. If your order is large enough,we’ll considerit.



1 international trade practice国际贸易惯例


A: That leads us to the question of discounts.那我们再谈谈折扣的问题。

B: I’m certainly happy to talk about discounts.But can you indicate to me the quantity you’d like to order?我当然很乐意谈这个问题,但是你能先透露一下你们订货的数量吗?

延伸 Couldn’t you make a 10 percent discount?不能打10%的折扣吗?

No.10 percent is too high.Seven is as far as I can go.But there is always a two percent cash discount if you pay within a week.不能,10%太高了,最高只能是7%。但如果贵方在一周之内付款,总会有2%的现金折扣。

Your discount period is a bit on the short side,just five days.Couldn’t you make it ten?贵方所给的折扣期有点短,仅仅5天。能将其改为10天吗?

That’s one of the things that might be a bit difficult to change because it’s part of our General Terms of Business.But I’ll see what I can do.那可能是



A: A discount will be given for a big order,so we are willing to give you a 5% discount.订货量大,就会给折扣。所以我们打算给您5%的折扣。

B: The Iranians will give us a 10% discount if such a big order is placed with them.No doubt you know that an incentive1discount encourages the buyers and helps expand the seller’s business.要是在伊朗,有这么大的订货量,


延伸 If your order for the goods exceeds10,000 sets,we’ll give you a 2% discount.如果贵公司订货超过1万件,我们会给贵公司2%的折扣。

We grant a discount of 2% for an order exceeding 200 tons.订货超过200吨时,我们可以给2%的折扣。


1 incentive刺激的

What is your quantity discount?贵公司的数量折扣是多少?

That depends on how much you order.Our discount system operates on a sliding scale.For one hundred units it would be six percent,eight percent if you order 200 or more.这得看贵方订购多少货物了。本公司实行按量调整折扣制度。订购量为100台时,折扣为6%;订购量为200台或者更多时,折扣为8%。


A: Is this price negotiable?Is there any discount?可以讲价吗?可以打折吗?

B: Well,it depends on the size of the order.We can offer you at most a 10% discount.That’s our rock-bottom price.这要看订单大小了。我们最多可以给您10%的折扣,那是底价了。

延伸 At the sales promotion1stage,we’re going to allow you a 5% discount.在促销阶段,我们打算给你们5%的折扣。

If you were to place orders with us during summer,our off-peak season2,then I could give you a reduction of five percent.如果您在夏季,也就是我们的淡季订货,那么可以给您5%的折扣。(www.daowen.com)

We allow a cash discount of 2% on payments made within ten days.我们对10日内付款的顾客给予2%的现金折扣。


1 sales promotion促销 2 off-peak season淡季4 订货


1. 我想下一份订单。

I would like to place an order.

2. 我们可以修改一下第27903号订单吗?

Can we make a change on Order No. 27903?

3. 你们想订购多少?

How many do you want to order?

4. 这种产品的最低订货量是多少?

What’s the minimum quantity of an order for this product?

5. 恐怕你们要的数量我们无法满足。

I’m afraid we aren’t able to supply as much as you require.

6. 顺便问一下,能告诉我发货时间吗?

By the way,can you give me the time of delivery?

7. 我希望你们能提供现货。

I expect you can supply from stock.

8. 很抱歉,现在货已经卖完了。

I’m sorry;we’re sold out of the goods at the moment.


A: I would like to place an order1.我想下一份订单。

B: What would you like?订购什么货物呢?

延伸 We’re thinking of placing a large order with you.我们在考虑给你们下一个大订单。

If I place an order now,when would you be able to ship it?如果我现在下订单,你


We’ll send our official order today.我们今天会寄出正式的订单。

With reference to your letter of January 13th,we have pleasure in placing an order with you for the above goods.参阅贵方1月13日来信,我方很高兴向贵方下上述货物的订单。


A: Can we make a change on Order No.27903?我们可以修改一下第27903号订单吗?

B: I’ll check to see if they’re loaded.我会查看货物是否已经装载好了。

延伸 What kind of change do you want to make?您要怎样更改?

We want to substitute KM-36 for KM-78.我们想以KM-36代替KM-78。


A: How many do you want to order?你们想订购多少?

B: It depends on2your price.这取决于你们的价格。

延伸 How many do you intend to order?这种产品你们想订多少?

I think we are able to supply you with no more than 500 cases this year.我想我们今年的供应量不可能超过500箱。

How many do you need?您需要多少?

We’ll take all that you can give us.你们有多少我们就要多少。


A: What’s the minimum quantity of an order for this product?这种产品的最低订货量是多少?


1 place an order下订单 2 depend on取决于

B: At least 1,000 pieces.至少1000件。

延伸 Our minimum quantity1of an order for this product is 2,000 cartons.我们这种产品的起订量为2000箱。

The minimum quantity of this order is 500 cases with more medium.这次订单的起订量是500箱,其中中号的要多一些。


A: I’m afraid we aren’t able to supply as much as you require.恐怕你们要的数量我们无法满足。

B: So how about 200 tons?那么200吨怎么样?

延伸 We’re out of one item on your order.您订的货里有一项我们没有了。

Can we substitute brown sugar for rock sugar?我们可否以红糖来替代冰糖

I’m afraid the item you substituted didn’t work.贵方的代替品恐怕不能用。


A: By the way,can you give me the time of delivery?顺便问一下,能告诉我


B: Yes. Do you have specific requirements2for the delivery time?能。您对发货时间有具体要求吗?

延伸 As a rule,we deliver all our orders within 3 months after receipt of the covering letters of credit.一般来说,在收到信用证后3个月内就可以全部交货。

Can you let us know the time of delivery?能告诉我方发货时间吗?

Would you like to inform us of the delivery time?能通知我方发货时间吗?


A: How about delivery?I expect you can supply from stock. We would appreciate it if you could give us a shorter delivery date as the goods are needed urgently.交货怎么样?我希望你们能提供现货。如果你们近期交货,我方不胜感谢,因为我们急需这批货物。


1 minimum quantity起订量 2 specific requirement具体要求

B: We have sufficient inventory to meet your present needs.Delivery will be made ten days after receipt of your L/C.我们有足够的库存,能满足你们的需求。收到你方信用证后10天即可发货。

延伸 Generally speaking,we can supply from stock.一般来说,我们能供应现货。

All the items in the catalogue can be supplied from stock.目录中开列的所有货物,我们均可以现货供应。

We can supply 500 tons from stock.我们能供应500吨现货。


A: Do you have KM-36 in stock?您有没有KM-36的库存?

B: I’m sorry;we’re sold out of the goods at the moment.很抱歉,现在货已经卖完了。

延伸 We’d like to order a KM-36. Do you have that on hand?我们想订KM-36,你们有现货吗?

I’m sorry we’ve got no inventory on that at this time.很抱歉,我们目前没有那项


