理论教育 如何在用餐时谈天说地?——优雅用餐技巧分享


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:何不在吃午饭时再进一步谈谈呢?史密斯先生,请坐。场景词汇1 banquet宴会 2 invitation请柬,邀请3 convenient方便的 4 discuss谈论,讨论Thank you,Miss Li.I’m really a bit nervous1now.I know nothing of your table manners.谢谢你,李小姐,我真有点儿紧张,我对你们的餐桌礼仪一点儿也不懂。延伸 I like Chinese food very much and I think Chinese cooking is the best in the world.我喜欢中餐,并且我认为中国的烹饪是世界上最好的。


1. 这是给您的请柬。

Here’s an invitation for you.

2. 何不在午饭时再进一步谈谈呢?

How about talking further over lunch?

3. 史密斯先生,请坐。

Please sit down,Mr. Smith.

4. 您想喝点什么?

Would you like to have something to drink?

5. 你们觉得中国菜味道如何?

What do you think of Chinese food?

6. 您若喜欢,那就再吃点吧。

If it’s to your liking,please have some more.

7. 我提议为新项目干杯!

I’d like to propose a toast to the new project.

8. 感谢您邀请我,史密斯先生。

Thank you for inviting me,Mr.Smith.


A: Mr.Brown has asked me to come over to invite you to the banquet1held in your honor at the Shangri-La Hotel at 7:00 this evening.Here’s an invitation2 for you.布朗先生要我来此请您参加今晚7点在香格里拉饭店为您举行的宴会。这是给您的请柬。

B: How nice of him.I’ll be delighted to go.But what time would be convenient3


延伸 Hello,Mr.Brown.It’s my honor to have you attend our banquet.您好,布朗先生。


Thank you for your invitation.谢谢您邀请我。

We have prepared a dinner party at the Beijing Hotel,and we would like you to


Thank you.I will.谢谢,我一定到。


A: It’s almost noon.How about talking further over lunch?快中午了。何不在吃午饭时再进一步谈谈呢?

B: That would be fine.好呀。

延伸 Why don’t we discuss4this over a meal?我们何不边吃边谈?

What a good idea!真是个好主意!

May I invite you to lunch?We could discuss some of the points over a good meal.



A: Welcome.Please sit down,Mr.Smith.欢迎光临。史密斯先生,请坐。

B: Thank you very much for preparing such a splendid dinner specially for me.


延伸 Now,let’s be seated.Have a cup of tea,please.现在请入座。请用茶。

It’s good to start with a cup of Chinese tea. I like it.从一杯中国茶开始我们的谈话,实在是太好了。我喜欢这样。

This is your seat,Mr.Chen.Sit down,please.这是您的座位,陈先生,请坐。


1 banquet宴会 2 invitation请柬,邀请

3 convenient方便的 4 discuss谈论,讨论

Thank you,Miss Li.I’m really a bit nervous1now.I know nothing of your table manners.



A: Would you like to have something to drink?您想喝点什么?

B: I’ll have a little brandy.Just a little bit,please.我喝点儿白兰地。就一点点。

延伸 What would you like,coffee or tea?您要喝点什么,咖啡还是茶?

What would you like to drink?你们想喝点什么?

What would you like to drink?Beer or Maotai?您喜欢喝点儿什么?啤酒还是茅台酒

I’d like some Maotai.I heard that it is one of the best liquors in the world.还是来点儿茅台酒吧。我听说茅台酒是世界上最好喝的白酒之一。


A: What do you think of Chinese food?你们觉得中国菜味道如何?

B: Sometimes I don’t care about the texture,you know.But I like the taste very much.你知道,有时候我倒不在乎口感如何,不过我很喜欢这种口味。

延伸 I like Chinese food very much and I think Chinese cooking is the best in the world.


Yes,Mr.Zhang.You have no idea how much I’ve been looking forward to a real Chinese meal.是的,张先生,您无法想象我是多么盼望能吃到一顿地道的中国菜啊!

I’m glad you enjoy Chinese food and hope the dishes will give you a better idea of Chinese cooking.我很高兴您喜欢中餐。希望这顿晚餐会使您对中国的烹饪有更多的了解。

The roast duck2is a Beijing speciality.Please help yourself.烤鸭是北京特产,请随便吃。


A: If it’s to your liking,please have some more.您若喜欢,那就再吃点吧。

B: Okay,I will. Thanks.好的,我会的,谢谢。

延伸 Some more chicken?再来点儿鸡肉?

No,thank you.I’ve had enough.不,谢谢。我已经吃得够多了。


1 nervous紧张的 2 roast duck烤鸭


A: I’d like to propose a toast1to the new project.我提议为新项目干杯!

B: To the new project!为新项目干杯!

延伸 Your very good health,Mr.Brown!为您的健康干杯,布朗先生。

Thank you.And yours!谢谢,也为您的健康干杯!

And finally a toast to Jane,who has just won the company’s first order in India.To Jane!Well done!最后要敬简一杯,她刚为公司赢得了在印度的第一份订单。干杯,简,干得漂亮!

Cheers to your health!为了您的健康,干杯!


A: Thank you for inviting me,Mr.Smith.I really enjoyed the meal.感谢您邀


B: Good.I’m glad you liked it.太好了,我很高兴您能喜欢。

延伸 I hope you enjoyed your dinner.希望您喜欢这顿饭。

Yes,I did. Thank you.It was delicious.是的,我很喜欢,谢谢,这顿饭很可口。


1 toast敬酒

