理论教育 应用OBE理念培养高职商务英语人才的研究


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈


深圳职业技术学院商务外语学院,广东 深圳 518055)

摘 要:“OBE”是以学业成果为所有教学活动目标的教育组织模式,是一个由确定学业成果、搭建课程体系、组织课堂教学和实施检查评估等步骤组成的完整教育体系。“深职院”商务英语专业以“OBE”理念为指导,提出了一条包括基于“学业成果”的“三能”培养目标、基于“能力构成”的“BEC”课程体系、基于“超越课堂”的“O2O”教学设计和基于“整体输出”的“四化”评价机制在内的高职商务英语专业人才培养之路。




A Study on the Application of OBE to the Cultivation of Business English Talents in Higher Vocational Schools

LIU Jianzhu

(School of Foreign Languages and Business, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen 518055, China)

Abstract: Outcome-based education means focusing and organizing everything in an educational system around what is essential for all students to be able to do successfully at the end of their learning experiences.It is a complete education system covering defining outcomes, designing curriculum, delivering instruction and documenting result.Guided by the concept of OBE, the Business English Program of Shenzhen Polytechnic proposes a talent cultivation model which is made up of learning-outcome-based objective, competency-based curriculum, learning-beyond classroom-based instruction and overall output based assessment.

Key words: Outcome-based Education; Learning Outcome; Talent Cultivation; Business English

