郝钦海 蔡凌波
(首都经济贸易大学,北京 100070)
摘 要:大学英语课堂教学一直是国内外研究的焦点。在其中,教师的话语,学生的学习和师生互动等方面至今已被广泛探讨。然而,国内外研究者主要致力于研究教师话语的语言特征,而忽略了其社会属性因此在教育领域的身份研究还不够充分。本文主要研究大学女性英语教师课堂话语建构的语用身份类型、语用策略及语境顺应性。教师在教学课堂话语中通过各种形式的言语手段和语用策略建构了三种不同的身份: 职业身份、个人身份和关联身份。文中对其在课堂语境中三种身份的建构策略进行了分析考察,力图从语用学的角度探索这三种身份建构的语境顺应动机。本研究认为女性英语教师不同身份的建构是出于顺应不同语境(机构性互动语境及心理语境)的需要,是课堂交际的一种语用策略。
Female Teachers’ Identity Construction in English Classroom Discourse in CUEB(www.daowen.com)
HAO Qinhai CAI Lingbo
(Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing 100070, China)
Abstract: College English classroom teaching has always been the focus in both domestic and foreign research.In this field, teachers' discourse, student learning and teacher-student interaction have so far been widely discussed.However, domestic and foreign researchers are mainly devoted to the study of the linguistic features of teachers' discourse, while ignoring their social attributes.Therefore, the identity research in the field of education is not enough.This paper mainly studies the pragmatic identity types, pragmatic strategies and contextual adaptability of female English teachers in college classroom discourse.These teachers construct three different identities through various forms of linguistic and pragmatic strategies in teaching discourse: professional identity, personal identity and relational identity.This article analyses the constructive strategies of these three different identities and tries to explore the adaptation motive from pragmatic perspective.It finds out that identity construction of female English teachers is an adaptation to different contexts(institutional interactive context and psychological context).It is a pragmatic strategy of classroom communication.
Key words: identity construction; female English teachers; adaptation theory