理论教育 丁香园微信公众号下系统功能对社交媒体健康传播的影响研究


时间:2023-06-03 理论教育 版权反馈


1.白欣弋 2.王 彦


摘 要:随着社交媒体和智能手机的普及,微信公众号已经成为公众获取健康信息的最受欢迎的渠道之一。本文基于系统功能语言学的三大“元功能”和视觉语法理论,分析健康传播品牌“丁香园”旗下三个微信公众号的传播策略,讨论公众号的内容设计、互动功能和话语结构,研究发现健康公众号内文本和图像的组织及呈现方式有利于吸引读者、赢得信任、促进传播。


* 基金项目:本文获对外经济贸易大学英语学院“双一流”学科建设繁荣计划专项经费资助。


A Systemic Functional Study of Healthcare Communication on Social Media: The Case of “Ding Xiang Yuan” and Its WeChat Official Accounts

1.BAI Xinyi 2.WANG Yan

(1.Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University, Yokohama 223-0061, Japan;2.School of International Studies, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing 100029, China)

Abstract: With the popularization of social media and smartphones, many health-related organizations start using mobile media to convey healthcare information to the public.Based on the theories of Systemic Functional Linguistics and visual grammar, this study investigates the social media communication strategies of three WeChat official accounts of “Ding Xiang Yuan”, and analyzes the content design, interaction function and discourse structure of each account.The results show that texts and images are organized and presented to attract readers and gain their trust so as to promote healthcare communication.

Key words: healthcare communication; WeChat official accounts, Systemic Functional Linguistics; meta-functions; visual grammar

