理论教育 态度资源及其分布情况分析


时间:2023-06-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:另一方面,中美企业致股东信函的态度资源分布存在差异,如在中国能源企业致股东信函中,情感资源的比例明显低于美国能源企业语料库,鉴赏资源的比重美国企业高于中国企业,判断资源的比重中国企业高于美国企业。表2 中美能源企业致股东信中态度资源的分布4.1.1 情感资源对比分析情感资源旨在激起潜在投资者的共鸣。



表2 中美能源企业致股东信中态度资源的分布

4.1.1 情感资源对比分析


表3 中美能源企业致股东信函中情感资源类型对比


(1)“We are confident that we will maintain our leading position in profitability in the industry.”(China Resources Power Holdings Company Limited, Annual Report,2016)

(2)“I believe their business acumen and management experience will help the Board carry out its duties and offer guidance for further development of the company.”(China Agri-Industries Holdings Limited, Annual Report,2016)

(3)“We are very proud of our team’s exceptional execution, as we believe that the key to achieving positive financial results is a commitment to safety and operational excellence.”(Valero Energy, Annual Report,2016)

例(1)中的 “confident” 是一种对员工和听众的保证或者说是他们对未来成就的自信。此外,例(2)和例(3)的“believe”也表达了他们对公司未来经济发展和收益的自信。


(4)“We are excited about the prospects for this business.”(Renesoia, Annual Report,2016)

(5)“Under the efforts of all CSG staff,CSG has gradually become a star enterprise that makes all CSG staff be proud of, respected by the peers and recognized by the market.”(CSG, Annual Report,2016)


(6)“We will embrace all-around innovation and reform encompassing R&D, business model,institution and control system, etc.in abid to revitalize ourselves and promote value creation.”(Sinochem Group, Annual Report,2016)

(7)“We will give full play to the employees’principal role to enhance the building of corporate culture and brand, and organize more and more diverse social welfare projects and mass activities to build a harmonious and happy Longyuan.”(Guodian Group, Annual Report,2016)

例(6)中的 “embrace”表明他们欢迎所有形式的创新和变革。例(7)中的 “happy”也表明他们想要快乐幸福的企业氛围。(www.daowen.com)

4.1.2 判断资源对比分析


表4 中美能源企业致股东信函中判断资源类型对比

这五项参数中能力所占比重最大,中美分别为14.63% 和11.55%,因为能力是用来展示公司的核心竞争力,这也是致股东信函的特征之一,以实现建立良好企业形象的目标。企业拥有丰富的资源,例如,吸引潜在投资者的经验、技巧及人才。例如:

(8)“These opportunities could be realized in related commodity-processing products that utilize our experience and expertise in commodity and risk management.”(Green Plains Renewable Energy Inc., Annual Report,2016)

(9)“In 2016,Praxair was recognized as a“Top 25 Noteworthy Company” by Diversity Inc and received a perfect score of 100 from the Human Rights Campaign for workplace equality and advocacy.”(Praxair Technology Inc., Annual Report,2016)


4.1.3 鉴赏资源对此分析



表5 中美能源企业致股东信函中鉴赏资源类型对比

(10)“These innovative policies also serve as a template for other states looking to address environmental and economic challenges by investing in the energy grid of the future.”(Exelon Corporation, Annual Report,2016)

(11)“It is home to hundreds of smart and creative scientists and will further strengthen our scientific edge.”(3M, Annual Report,2016)

(12)“Our high level of investments over the last several years in new product development and facilities is moderating, and we are now entering a cycle of strong cash generation—On Course to deliver exceptional shareholder value.”(Woodward Inc, Annual Report,2016)

例(10)中,作者表明他们的政策是有价值、有意义的。相似地,例(11)中的“creative”表明科学家是杰出的。例(12)显示公司前景良好——展示卓越的股东价值。单词例如 “new”,“innovative”“creative”使用频率较高,经济的快速发展,对能源的需求日增以及顾客日益多变的需求使得公司必须生产一些新产品,推出新理念等。

