理论教育 岗位职责范例:掌握技能与知识点


时间:2023-06-01 理论教育 版权反馈




























































表3-3 职业基本能力评价表


表3-4 职业拓展能力评价表










某五星级酒店西餐厅(Supervisor Check List)主管检查工作表

检查人(Completed by):_____________________


初次检查时间(Time of the 1st check):________

6:00~6:20(Morning Shift)

(1)确保走廊的早餐牌清洁有序地摆放。(Ensure the Breakfast Signage position in the corridor is clean and in order.)

(2)确保入口的早餐海报、宣传册、菜单、皇冠快讯干净整洁。(Ensure the Breakfast Poster,the Flies,the Menus and the Crowne Focus book sat the entrance are clean and tidy.)

(3)检查雕像和瓶子的清洁度。(Check the cleanness of the Statues and the Vases.)

(4)检查员工的仪容仪表:头发、指甲、制服整洁干净;女员工化淡妆。(Check Staff Grooming〈Neat&Clean Hair,Nails,Uniform,Make up for lady〉.)

(5)区域员工工作的分工:简洁说明员工的职责。(Plan Station Assignment:Brief the staffs on their duties&responsibility.)

(6)检查餐厅所有的照明设备。(Check all the lighting in the restaurant.)

(7)布草车的放置是否清洁有序。(back area and linen trolley are clean and in order.)

(8)检查自助餐台:再次检查所有的食物、菜牌、服务叉,确保盘子充足,按标准摆放。检查加热系统温度是否正常、杯子是否干净、果汁桶有无水迹。(Check the Buffet Counter:Re-check all the foods,food tags,the serving Tong,ensure plates are enough and placed according to the standard,the heating system temperature correct,glasses are clean and juice containers are free from watermarks.)

(9)检查工作台:确保早餐托盘充足,咖啡、茶、咖啡机摆放规范。(Check Side Stations:ensure breakfast trays sufficient,coffee&tea,coffeemachine.)

(10)检查桌子:确保所有的摆台正确、桌面干净。(Check Tables:ensure all the tables are clean and properly set up.)

(11)最后巡视整个餐厅:检查整个环境的卫生。(Finally walk through the restaurant:check cleanness of the surroundings.)

(12)确保入口的迎宾台、收银台整洁干净。(Ensure hostess station at the entrance,cashier counter to be clean and neat.)

(13)阅读交班记录并与夜班领班交接,早晨向餐饮总监汇报所有的突发事件。(Read Communication Book and take over from Midnight Captain,reportany incident to the F&B Director in themorning.)

(14)配合厨师保证自助餐的食物有序补给。(Coordinate with the Kitchen team to ensure the buffet food replenishment in order.)

6:20~8:00(Morning Shift)

(15)检查热菜加热温度。(Check the heating system temperature under the Hot Dishes counters.)

(16)确保员工按照他们岗位职责工作,监督咖啡和茶饮服务。(Ensure staffs are function according to their duties,monitor the coffee&tea service.)

(17)保证迎宾员做好入口处的接待工作,必要时候提供帮助。(To ensure the entrance is taken care by the hostess,support if necessary.)

(18)负责管理工作台的账单、监督员工的工作,根据操作运行进行任务委派和提供支持。(Take charge of the station billing and monitor on the staffmovement,provide support and delegate task based on the demand.)

(19)帮助迎宾员检查桌子的空缺情况,确保空的桌子已经摆好台。(Help the hostess to check the tables availability and ensure the free tables has been set up.)

(20)检查要送餐的单子及托盘上的摆设。(Check the In-room breakfast orders and the way they are allocated on the tray.)

8:00~10:30(M orning Shift)

(21)会议前确保会议厅已经准备好。(Ensure the Meeting Room is ready for the Morning Briefing.)

(22)定期检查自助餐台;保持干净、有序,保证食物和饮料的数量。(Periodically check the Buffet Counter:Cleanness,Order,Quantity of food/beverages.)

(23)确保脏的口布及时送到洗衣房清洗(9:30)。(Ensure the dirty napkins has been sent to the Laundry at the right time〈9:30〉.)

(24)监督后场员工的工作,必要时根据工作要求安排新的或不同的任务。(Monitor the back area staffwork and assign new or different tasks according to the operation demand.)

(25)检查工作台和后场的环境是否清洁、卫生、有序。(Check the conditions〈Cleanness and Order〉of the Side Stations and the Back Area.)

(26)房膳送入房间前要检查。(Check the Breakfast Orders before they were sent to the Rooms.)

(27)确保迎宾员从厨房收到自助餐菜单并准备菜牌,菜牌和菜名是一致的,必要时帮助其迎接客人。(Ensure the Hostess received the Buffet Food List from the kitchen and she is preparing the food tag accordingly.Help her in welcoming guests if needed.)

(28)在10:10,确保员工通知我们的客人,自助早餐将在20分钟后关餐。(At 10:10,ensure the staff inform our guests that the breakfast buffet will close in 20 minutes.)(www.daowen.com)

(29)10:15,确保员工开始准备午餐的翻台工作。(At 10:15 ensure the staff is starting to prepare the Lunch table set up.)

(30)10:25,确保员工告知客人将在5分钟后结束早餐。(At10:25 ensure the staff inform our guests that the breakfast buffetwill close in 5 minutes.

重要提示:密切关注客人的需求并迅速地给予回复。(IMPORTANT:Pay attention to the guests and ensure the staff constantly watch them and answer promptly to their needs.)

10:30~11:30(M orning Shift)

(31)10:30确保所有的早餐服务餐具送到洗碗间清洗,收起菜牌、关火,确保早餐指示牌已经从走廊挪走,午餐的宣传册、海报在入口处已摆放好。(10:30 ①Ensure the Tongs used for Breakfast Buffethave been sent to the Back Area forwashing and collect the food tags ②Turn off the heating system ③Ensure the Breakfastsignage has been removed from the corridor and the Lunch Poster has been placed at the Entrance.)

(32)确保做自助餐台的员工清洁自助餐台。(Ensure the Buffet Runner cleans up the Buffet Counter.)

(33)早班员工在10:30用餐。(Ensure Morning Shift Staff go to have lunch<around 10:30>.)

(34)检查餐厅所有灯光。(Check all the lighting in the restaurant.)

(35)检查桌子的摆台和清洁程度。重点:所有摆放的物品(椒盐瓶、牙签瓶、花瓶、烟灰缸、勿吸烟牌、餐巾纸、垫布)必须是摆放正确和清洁的。(Check the tables set-up and Cleanness.IMPORTANT:all the items on the tables〈salt/pepper containers,tooth-picks containers,flower vases,ash trays/no-smoking signs,flies,napkins,table cloths〉must be clean and rightly placed.)

(36)确保地面没有污物、水迹、油迹等。(Ensure the floor is clean and free of food left-overs and stains of water,oil,etc.)

(37)自助餐台值台员工要确保午餐的自助餐台按照标准摆放,当热菜已摆放好时要打开开关。(Coordinate the Buffet runner work ensuring the buffet lunch set up follows the standards and turn on the heating system when the Hot dishes are placed.)

(38)检查自助餐台:再次检查所有的食物、菜牌、服务叉,确保盘子是充足并按标准摆放的,杯子是干净的,果汁桶无水迹和确保所有的桌子是被擦过,没有奶迹、水迹、油迹。(Check the Buffet Counter:Re-check all the foods,food tags,the serving Tongs,ensure plates are enough and placed according to the standard,glasses are clean and juice containers are free from watermarks and make sure the table are wiped and free ofmilk/water/oil stains.)

(39)再次检查服务区域员工的分工:简洁说明员工的职责。(Re-plan Station Assignment:Brief the staffs on their duties&responsibility〈Equally assign the staff according to the operations need〉.)

(40)11:25,巡视整个餐厅:检查整个环境的卫生。(11:25 Finally walk through the restaurant:check cleanness of the surroundings.)

11:30~14:00(M orning Shift)

(41)检查做热菜的火的温度。(Check the heating system temperature under the Hot Dishes counters.)

(42)保证迎宾员照看好入口处,必要的时候要提供帮助。(To ensure the entrance is taken care by the hostess,support if necessary.)

(43)负责管理工作台的账单、监督员工的运行,根据操作运行进行任务委派和提供支持(收集零点的点单信息)。(Ensure staffs are function according to theirduties and Take charge of the station billing〈get informed about the a-la-carte Menu orders〉and monitor on the staffmovement,provide support and delegate task based on the operations demand.)

(44)配合厨师保证自助餐的食物有序补给。(Coordinate with the Kitchen team to ensure the buffet food replenishment in order.)

(45)到桌子前问候并欢迎客人,必要时替员工拿零点单给客人。(Approach the new table guests,greet and welcome them.Delegate staff to present the a-la-carte menu if needed.)

(46)确保脏口布在13:30送到洗衣房。(At 13:30 Ensure the dirty napkins has been sent to the Laundry.)

(47)在13:45,确保员工通知到客人:①午餐自助餐将在15分钟后关闭;②关掉取暖设备。(At 13:45 ①Ensure the staff inform our guests that the lunch buffet will close in 15 minutes.②Turn off the heating system.)

重要提示:确保员工通知客人自助餐台在15分钟后关火,密切关注客人的需求并迅速回复。(IMPORTANT:Pay attention to the guests and ensure the staff constantly watch them and answer promptly to their needs.)

14:00~14:20(A fternoon Shift)

(48)14:00确保所有的早餐服务夹被送到后场清洗,并收起菜牌。(14:00 Ensure the Tongs used for Breakfast Buffet have been sent to the Back Area forwashing and collect the food tags.)

(49)确保入口处的海报、宣传册、菜单、皇冠快讯是干净整洁的。(Ensure the Poster,the Flies,the Menus and the Crowne Focus books at the entrance are clean and tidy.)

(50)检查雕像和花瓶是否干净。(Check the cleanness of the Statues and the Vases)

(51)阅读交班记录并和早班领班交接。(Read Communication Book and take over from Morning Captain.)

(52)参加班前会。(Join the Briefing with the Morning Shift.)

(53)检查员工的仪容仪表(头发、指甲、制服整洁、干净;女员工化淡妆)。(Check Staff Grooming〈Neat&Clean Hair,Nails,Uniform,Make up for lady〉.)

14:20~16:30(A fternoon Shift)

(54)检查服务区域员工的分工:简洁地说明一下员工的职责,必要时分工合作。(Plan Station Assignment:Brief the staffs on their duties&responsibility〈Equally assign the staff according to the operations need〉.)

(55)在14:30关掉餐厅按照标准需要关掉的灯。(At 14:30 Turn off theLights in the Restaurant according to the standard.)

(56)确保迎宾员已从厨房收到了自助餐菜单并准备好菜牌。(Ensure the Hostess received the Buffet Food List from the kitchen and she is preparing the food tag accordingly.)

(57)检查桌子的摆台和清洁度:摆放的物品(椒盐瓶、牙签瓶、花瓶、烟灰缸、勿吸烟牌、餐巾纸、垫布等)必须是整洁的并正确摆放。(Check the tables set-up and Cleanness.IMPORTANT:all the items on the tables<salt/pepper containers,tooth-picks containers,flower vases,ash trays/no-smoking signs,flies,napkins,table cloths>must be clean and rightly placed.)

(58)检查后场,确保杯子、咖啡机是干净的,后场布草车是干净有序的。(Check back area,ensure the glasses,coffee and the machines are clean,back area and linen trolley are clean and in order.)

(59)检查工作台,盘点餐具,确保它们是充足的;检查清洁卫生和秩序。(Check Side Stations:count the cutlery and ensure they are enough,check the cleanness and the order.)

(60)擦洗镜子和热菜台下面的玻璃。(Delegate the staff to clean the mirrors and the glasses under the hot food counters.)

(61)确保地面和椅子干净,并将尚存不卫生情况告知给PA的员工。(Ensure the floor and the chairs clean and indicate to the PA staff the dirty areas.)

(62)检查玻璃和玻璃周边的卫生。(Check the Windows and the Window Ledges cleanness.)

(63)检查壁灯。(Check the Wall Lamps.)

(64)监督做自助餐台员工的工作,确保晚餐自助餐台按标准摆台。(Supervise the Buffet Runner job and Ensure the buffet dinner set up follows the standards.)

(65)确保有员工叠口布。(Ensure some staff is folding the clean napkins.)

(66)准备冰红茶和柠檬片,确保它们被摆放在果汁桶的中间。(Prepare the Black Tea and the Lemon slides and ensure they are placed in the middle of the Juices.)

16:30~17:30(A fternoon Shift)

(67)晚餐员工在16:30用餐。(At 16:30 Ensure Evening Shift Staff go to have dinner.)

(68)17:00开灯并检查。(At 17:00 Turn on the Lights and check them.)

(69)检查自助餐台;再次检查所有的食物菜牌、服务叉,确保盘子是充足的并按标准摆放,杯子是干净的,果汁桶无水迹,确保所有的桌子是被擦过的,没有奶迹、水迹、油迹。(Check the Buffet Counter:Re-check all the foods,food tags,theserving Tong,ensure plates are enough and placed according to the standard,glasses are clean and juice containers are free from watermarks and make sure the table are wiped and free ofmilk/water/oil stains.)

(70)关火。(Turn on the Heating System.)

(71)最后巡视整个餐厅,检查整个餐厅的环境。(Finally walk through the restaurant:check cleanness of the surroundings.)

17:30~21:00(A fternoon Shift)

(72)保证迎宾员照看好入口处,必要时要提供帮助。(Ensure the entrance is taken care by the hostess,support if necessary.)

(73)确保员工是按照他们的岗位职责工作的。(Ensure staffs are function according to their duties.)

(74)负责管理工作台的账单,监督员工的工作,根据操作运行的需要进行任务委派和提供支持。(Take charge of the station billing andmonitor on the staffmovement,provide support and delegate task based on the operations demand.)

(75)到桌前问候并欢迎客人,必要时替员工拿零点单给客人。(Approach the new table guests,greet and welcome them.Delegate staff to present the a-la-cartemenu if needed.)

(76)定时检查自助餐台:清洁、秩序及食物饮料的数量,同时检查热菜下面炉子的温度。(Periodically check the Buffet Counter:Cleanness,Order,Quantity of food/beveragesmeanwhile Check the heating system temperature under the Hot Dishes counters.)

重要提示:密切关注客人的需求并迅速回复。(IMPORTANT:Pay attention to the guests and ensure the staff constantly watch them and answer promptly to their needs.)

21:00~22:30(A fternoon Shift)

(77)在21:00确保员工开始准备第二天早晨的桌子摆台了。(At 21:00 ensure the staff starts to prepare the nextmorning breakfast table set up.)

(78)21:10,确保员工通知客人,我们将在20分钟后关闭晚餐。(At 21:10 ensure the staff inform our guests that the Dinner buffetwill close in 20 minutes.)

(79)在21:15关火。(At 21:15 Turn off the Heating System.)

(80)监督员工的早餐摆台,必要时提供帮助。(Supervise the Staffwork in preparing the tables breakfast set up and help if needed.)

(81)要确保自助餐台是干净的,督促值台员工的工作,确保早餐要用的服务叉送到后场清洗,收起菜牌。(Supervise the Buffet Runner job,ensure the Tongs used for Breakfast Buffet have been sent to the Back Area for washing and collect thefood tags and Ensure the counters are clean.)

夜班(N ight Shift)

(82)确保海报、宣传册、菜单和皇冠快讯在入口处是干净整洁的。(Ensure the Poster,the Flies,the Menus and the Crowne Focus books at the entrance are clean and tidy.)

(83)检查雕像和花瓶是否干净。(Check the cleanness of the Statues and the Vases.)

(84)阅读交班记录,与晚班领班交接。(Read Communication Book and take over from Evening Captain.)

(85)擦洗镜子和热菜台下面的玻璃。(Clean themirrors and the glasses under the hot food counters.)

(86)检查壁灯。(Check the Wall Lamps.)

(87)关掉餐厅按照标准需要关掉的灯。(Turn off the Lights in the Restaurant according to the standard.)

(88)确保在任何时间都能有人接听电话。(Ensure there is a staffmember able to answer the phone at any time.)

(89)所有的房膳送入房间前都要检查。(Check all the Room Service orders before they were sent to the rooms.)

(90)检查装饰物。(Check all the decorations.)

(91)在大约3:00收早餐牌。(At 3:00 Go around the floors to collect the Breakfast Signage)

(92)检查第二天早晨的自助餐台。(Prepare the Next Morning Breakfast Buffet.)

(93)检查所有桌子和早餐的摆台。(Check the Tables and the Breakfast set up.)

(94)把早餐牌放在走廊,将早餐海报放在入口处。(Place the Breakfast Signage in the corridor and the Breakfast Poster at the Entrance.)

(95)检查自助餐台,再次检查所有的食物、菜牌、服务叉,确保盘子充足和按标准摆放;杯子是干净的,果汁桶无水迹。(Check the Buffet Counter:Re-check all the foods,food tags,the serving Tong,ensure plates are enough and placed according to the standard,glasses are clean and juice containers are free from watermarks.)

(96)5:00准备好牛奶。(5:00 Get themilk)

(97)确保PA已经清扫过地板。(Ensure the PA have cleaned the floor.)



























