理论教育 城市地下空间土地权利问题分析——以上海为例


时间:2023-05-28 理论教育 版权反馈


张洪武1,2,3 唐杭1,2 廖远琴1,2


摘 要:本文通过梳理比对国内外地下空间土地权利立法情况,对我国城市地下空间土地权利内涵进行了研究。以上海为例,分析了城市地下空间利用现状、权利设置与管理情况。从地下建设用地使用权范围界定、地下工程维护支撑结构与地表附属设施的土地权利设定、地下空间相邻关系调处以及深层地下空间开发与预留保护等方面,系统地分析了当前城市地下空间开发利用面临的土地权利问题。最后,针对性地提出了地下空间相关政策建议。


Analysis of Urban Underground Space Land Rights-Taking Shanghai as an Example

ZHANG Hongwu TAN Hang LIAO Yuanqin(www.daowen.com)

(1.Shanghai Institute of Geological Survey,Shanghai 200072,China;2.Shanghai Institute of Land Resources Survey,Shanghai 200072,China;3.College of public administration,Zhejiang University,Zhejiang 310029,China)

Abstract:In this article the connotation and scope of land rights of urban underground space in China is studied through the comparison of the legislation of land rights of underground space in China and abroad.Taking Shanghai as an example,the utilization,rights setting and management of urban underground space are analyzed.Then the land rights problems encountered in the development and utilization of urban underground space are systematically analyzed from the aspects of the determination of the scope of underground construction land rights,the definition and establishment of land rights of the support structure,maintenance structure and surface affiliated facilities of underground construction works,the mediation of adjacent relations among different spaces involving underground space,and the development and preservation of deep underground space,etc.In the end policy suggestions on underground space are correspondingly put forward.

Key words:underground space;land rights;construction land use right;deep underground;adjacency


