理论教育 耕地保护:回顾现状与创新,迎接生态文明


时间:2023-05-28 理论教育 版权反馈


单嘉铭 吴宇哲*[1]

摘 要:耕地资源是人类赖以生存发展的基础与保障,其固有的稀缺性和不可再生性决定了人类必须对其进行有效保护。城市化进程下,我国人多地少的基本国情和耕地总量逐年减少的趋势决定了我国必须实行严格的耕地保护政策。本文回顾了以耕地总量动态平衡、基本农田保护、土地用途管制等为主要内容的耕地保护政策的发展历程,梳理、剖析我国耕地保护政策实施现状,从经济社会可持续发展的观点出发,探讨面向2030年的耕地保护对策与建议。


Cultivated Land Protection for Ecological Civilization:Review,Current situation and Innovation(www.daowen.com)

SHAN Jiaming WU*Yuzhe

Abstract:Cultivated land resources are the basis and guarantee for human survival and development.Their inherent scarcity and non-renewability determine that humans must effectively protect them.Under the process of urbanization,China's basic conditions and the decreasing trend of the total amount of arable land due to the fact that there are many people and less land,determines that China must implement strict farmland protection policies.This article reviews the development of farmland protection policies with the main content of total farmland dynamics,basic farmland protection,land use control,etc.,and analyzes the current situation in the implementation of farmland protection policies in China.From the point of view of sustainable economic and social development,measures and suggestions for protecting farmland in 2030 are discussed.

Key words:ecological civilization;cultivated land protection policy;occupational balance;ecological compensation

