理论教育 美欧WTO裁决执行比较


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〔3〕John H.Jackson.Dispute Settlement and the WTO:Background Note for Conference on Developing Countries and the New Round Multilateral of Trade Negotiations,London:Harvard University,1999:56.

〔4〕Congressional Digest,Nov.,1994,pp.270-287.

〔5〕GAO's Report Page 9.

〔6〕USTR's Report Page 10.


〔8〕Joost Pauwelyn.Enforcement and Countermeasures in the WTO:Rules are Rules—Toward a More Collective Approach.The American Journal of International Law,2000,24:335.



〔11〕Decision by the Arbitrators,US-Tax Treatment for“Foreign Sales”Corporations (Article 22.6-US),WT/DS108/ARB,30 August 2002,para.5.61.

〔12〕Decision by the Arbitrators,US-Tax Treatment for“Foreign Sales”Corporations(Article 22.6-US),WT/DS108/ARB,30 August 2002,para.6.36.

〔13〕Decision by the Arbitrators,US-Tax Treatment for“Foreign Sales”Corporations(Article 22.6-US),WT/DS108/ARB,30 August 2002,paras.5.62.

〔14〕Decision by the Arbitrators,US-Tax Treatment for“Foreign Sales”Corporations(Article 22.6-US),WT/DS108/ARB,30 August 2002,paras.5.61.

〔15〕Decision by the Arbitrators,US-Tax Treatment for“Foreign Sales”Corporations(Article 22.6-US),WT/DS108/ARB,30 August 2002,paras.8.1.

〔16〕Decision by the Arbitrators,US-Tax Treatment for“Foreign Sales”Corporations(Article 22.6-US),WT/DS108/ARB,30 August 2002,paras.5.57.

〔17〕Decision by the Arbitrators,US-Tax Treatment for“Foreign Sales”Corporations(Article 22.6-US),WT/DS108/ARB,30 August 2002,paras.5.60.

〔18〕Decision by the Arbitrators,US-Tax Treatment for“Foreign Sales”Corporations(Article 22.6-US),WT/DS108/ARB,30 August 2002,paras.5.62.

〔19〕Minutes of the DSB Meeting,WT/DSB/M/149,8 July,2003.

〔20〕Chad P.Bown.The WTO Secretariat and the role of economics in Panels and arbitrations.In Chad P.Bown,Joost Pauwelyn(eds.).The Law,Economics and Politics of Retaliation in WTO Dispute Settlement.New York:Cambridge University Press,2010:465.

〔21〕Robert Z.Lawrence.Crimes and Punishments?Retaliation under the WTO.Brookings Institution Press,2003:43.


〔23〕C.P.Bown.Trade Remedies and World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement:Why Are So Few Challenged?.Journal of Legal Studies,2005,46:521.

〔24〕Decision by the Arbitrators,US-Anti-Dumping Act of 1916(Article 22.6-US),WT/DS136/ARB,24 February 2004,paras.8.2.

〔25〕See http://www.wto.org/(2019 4 30).


〔27〕小林大和.围绕两国间贸易争端,日本通商政策的去向——由“美国1916年法的损害恢复法”生效所想到的.见经济产业研究所,http://www.rieti.go.jp/cn/columns/a01_0154.html(2019 3 30).



〔30〕WTO Doc.,WT/DS160/23,Notification of a Mutually Satisfactory Temporary Arrangement,26 June 2003.




〔34〕2010 U.S.-Brazil Temporary Agreement on the Cotton Dispute,http://www.brazilcouncil.org/sites/default/files/One-Pageron Agreement-June.21,2011(Website)pdf(2019 3 30).



〔37〕Decision by the Arbitrators,US-Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000(Article 22.6-US),WT/DS217/ARB/EEC,31 August 2004,para.5.2.

〔38〕Communication from the European Union,United States-Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000,WT/DS217/47,29 April 2005.


〔40〕Communication from Japan,United States-Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000,WT/DS217/48,1 September 2005.


〔42〕Communication from Japan,United States-Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000,WT/DS217/54,29 August 2008.

〔43〕Communication from Japan,United States-Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000,WT/DS217/56,1 September 2009.

〔44〕Communication from Canada,United States-Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000,WT/DS217/58,1 May 2005.

〔45〕Communication from Mexico,United States-Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000,WT/DS217/60,18 August 2005.

〔46〕Communication from Mexico,United States-Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000,WT/DS217/60,30 April 2006.

〔47〕Communication from the European Union,United States-Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000,WT/DS217/61,10 May 2012.

〔48〕Communication from Japan,United States-Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000,WT/DS217/62,27 August 2012.

〔49〕Rosemary A.Ford.The Beef Hormone Dispute and Carousel Sanctions:A Roundabout Way of Forcing Compliance with World Trade Organization Decisions.Brooklyn Journal International Law,2002,(14)7:556.

〔50〕Robert E.Hudec.Broadening the Scope of Remedies in the WTO Dispute Settlement.In:Friedl Weiss,Jochem Wiers(eds.).Improving WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures:Issues and Lessons from the Practice of Other International Courts and Tribunals,London:Cameron May International Law&Policy,2000:390.

〔51〕Financial Times,August 26,2000,p.5.

〔52〕Rosemary A.Ford.The Beef Hormone Dispute and Carousel Sanctions:A Roundabout Way of Forcing Compliance with World Trade Organization Decisions,Brooklyn Journal International Law,2002,19:569.

〔53〕Decision by the Arbitrators,US-Subsidies on Upland Cotton(Article 22.6-US),WT/DS267/ARB,03/03/2005,para.1.2-1.3.

〔54〕See US Department of Agriculture,USDA Announces Changes to Export Credit Guarantee Programs to Comply with WTO Findings,30 June 2005,http://www.fas.usda.gov/scriptsw/PressRelease/pressrel_dout.asp?Pr Num=0092-05,visited on 1 March 2015(2019 3 30).

〔55〕See WT/DS276/ARB/1.


〔57〕See WT/DS276/ARB/1.

〔58〕Decision by the Arbitrators,US-Subsidies on Upland Cotton(Article 22.6-US),WT/DS267/ARB/2,31/08/2009,para.1.23.

〔59〕Communication from Brazil,United States-Subsidies on Upland Cotton,WT/DS267/43,12/03/2010.

〔60〕International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development,“US,Brazil Agree to Negotiate End to Cotton Dispute”.

〔61〕SEWELL CHAN US and Brazil Reach Agreement on Cotton Dispute,The New York Times,April 6,2010.

〔62〕See http://www.ustr.gov/about-us/press-office/press-releases/2010/april/us-brazil-agree-uponpath-toward-negotiated-solution(2019-3-28).

〔63〕Communication from Brazil,United States-Subsidies on Upland Cotton,WT/DS267/44,05/05/2010.

〔64〕Communication from Brazil,United States-Subsidies on Upland Cotton,WT/DS267/45,31/08/2010.


〔66〕Randy Schnepf.“Brazil's WTO Case against the U.S.Cotton Program”,CRS Report for Congress,June 30,2010,p.28.

〔67〕USTR Statement on Awards in Brazil Cotton Dispute,United States Trade Representative,31 August 2009.



〔70〕Decision by the Arbitrators,US-Subsidies on Upland Cotton(Article 22.6-US),WT/DS285/ARB,21/12/2007,para.7.23.





〔75〕See WTO Website,Current status of disputes.http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/dispu_current_status_e.htm(2019-4-30).

〔76〕WTO Website,European Union and a Member State-Seizure of Generic Drugs in Transit-Request for Consultations by India,WT/DS408/1(2019-4-30).

〔77〕See Government of India Ministry of Commerce and Industry,Indian EU Reach an Understanding on Issue of Seizure of Indian Generic Drugs in Transit.http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=73554(2019-4-30).

〔78〕See WTO Website,Dispute Settlement System Training Module:Chapter 6,The process-Stages in a typical WTO dispute settlement case,6.3 The panel stage,Page 1(2019-4-30).

〔79〕Appellate Body and/or panel reports adopted.Case resolved without need for respondent to take further action.

〔80〕Appellate Body and/or panel finds the disputed trade measure(s)to be inconsistent with WTO law.Recommendation to bring the measure(s)into conformity with WTO law is adopted by the DSB.

〔81〕The respondent has notified that it has implemented the DSB recommendation to bring the disputed measure into conformity with WTO law.No compliance proceeding initiated.

〔82〕Parties have notified an agreement on implementation.

〔83〕If the parties disagree whether the respondent has implemented the recommendations and rulings,either party can request a“compliance”panel under Article 21.5 of the DSU.

〔84〕Appellate Body and/or panel report under Article21.5 adopted,no finding of noncompliance or other inconsistency.

〔85〕Appellate Body and/or panel report under Article21.5 adopted,with findings that the respondent has not complied with the rulings.


〔87〕If compliance proceedings determine that the disputed measure has not been brought into conformity with WTO law,the complaint may request permission to impose retaliation measures(“suspend concessions or other obligations”)against the respondent.Furthermore,if the respondent disagrees on the level(value)or sector of retaliation,arbitration may be requested under article 22.6 or 22.7 of the DSU.This category includes both(1)disputes currently undergoing art.22.6 arbitration,and(2)disputes where a request to retaliate has been made,but arbitration has not yet started.

〔88〕Appellate Body/compliance panel find DSB recommendations have not been fully implemented;authorization for complaint to suspend concession or other obligations granted.

〔89〕Panel proceedings suspended under Article 12.12 of the DSU,and not resumed after 12 months.

〔90〕Request withdrawn,measure terminated,or mutually agreed solution under Article3.6 of the DSU notified prior to adoption of Appellate Body and/or panel reports.


〔92〕WTO Website,European Communities and Certain Member States-Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft-Communication from the European Union,WT/DS316/17(2019-3-30).






〔98〕Sherzod Shadikhodjaev.Retaliation in the WTO Dispute Settlement System.Netherlands:Kluwer Law and Business,2009:120.

〔99〕Andrew S.Bishop.The Second Legal Revolution in International Trade Law:Ecuador Goes Ape in Banana Trade War With European Union.International Legal Perspectives,2001:167.


〔101〕See Decision by the Arbitrators,EC-Bananas(Ecuador)(Article 22.6-EC),WT/DS27/ARB/ECU,24/05/2000,para.126.

〔102〕Norio Komuro.The EC Banana Regime and Judicial Control,Journal of World Trade,2000,71:54.

〔103〕Decision by the Arbitrators,EC-Bananas(Ecuador)(Article 22.6-EC),WT/DS27/ARB/ECU,24/05/2000,para.170.

〔104〕Decision by the Arbitrators,EC-Bananas(Ecuador)(Article 22.6-EC),WT/DS27/ARB/ECU,24/05/2000,para.171.

〔105〕Decision by the Arbitrators,EC-Bananas(Ecuador)(Article 22.6-EC),WT/DS27/ARB/ECU,09/04/1999,para.74.

〔106〕Decision by the Arbitrators,EC-Banana(Ecuador)(Article 22.6-EC),WT/DS27/ARB/ECU,24/05/2000,para.96.

〔107〕Gregory Shaffer,Daniel Ganin.Extrapolating Purpose from Practice:Rebalancing or Inducing Compliance,In Chad P.Bown,Joost Pauwelyn(eds.).The Law,Economics and Politics of Retaliation in WTO Dispute Settlement,New York:Cambridge University Press,2010:84.

〔108〕Marco Bronckers,Naboth van den Broek.Financial Compensation in the WTO Improving the Remedies of WTO Dispute Settlement.Journal of International Economic Law,2005,(65)7:105.

〔109〕Decision by the Arbitrators,EC-Bananas(Ecuador)(Article 22.6-EC),WT/DS27/ARB/ECU,24/05/2000,para.126.

〔110〕Decision by the Arbitrators,EC-Hormones(United States)(Article 22.6-EC),WT/DS26/ARB,12 July 1999,para.83.

〔111〕Decision by the Arbitrators,EC-Hormones(United States)(Article 22.6-EC),WT/DS48/ARB,12 July 1999,para.72.


〔113〕Decision by the Arbitrators,EC-Hormones(United States)(Article 22.6-EC),WT/DS26/ARB,12 July 1999,paras.22-23.

〔114〕USTR Announces Procedures for Modifying Measures in EC Beef and Banana Cases,Press Release 00-41,May 26,2000.

〔115〕“Carousel”List Still Held Up,Trade Reports International Group,Washington Trade Daily,August 2,2000.

〔116〕Lothar Ehring.The European Community's Experience and Practice in Suspending WTO Obligation,In Chad P.Bown,Joost Pauwelyn(eds.).The Law,Economics and Politics of Retaliation in WTO Dispute Settlement,New York:Cambridge University Press,2010:91.

〔117〕Renee Johnson.“The U.S.-EU Beef Hormone Dispute”,CRS Report for Congress,November 6,2012,pp.11-16.

〔118〕See Federal Register/Vol.76,No.103/Friday,May 27,2011/Notices.

〔119〕Communication from Canada,EC-Hormones,WT/DS48/26,22 March 2011.

〔120〕Lenore Sek.Trade Retaliation:The“Carousel”Approach,CRS Report for Congress,order code RS20715,22 September 1999.

〔121〕Trade and Development Act 2000,pub.L.106-200,114 Stat.251.

〔122〕European Communities-Definitive Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Iron or Steel Fasteners from China-Report of the Panel,WT/DS397/R,3 December 2010,pp.7.48.



〔125〕Regulation(EU)No 765/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2012 amending Council Regulation(EC)No 1225/2009 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community,OJ L/2012/237/1,Article 1.

〔126〕“Suppliers which are legally distinct from other suppliers or which are legally distinct from the State may nevertheless be considered as a single entity for the purpose of specifying the duty.For the application of this sub-paragraph,account may be taken of factors such as the existence of structural or corporate links between the suppliers and the State or between suppliers,control or material influence by the State in respect of pricing and output,or the economic structure of the supplying country.”

〔127〕具体企业名单参见中国贸易救济信息网发布.欧盟对华钢铁制紧固件作出反倾销终裁[EB/OL].http://www.ccpitnb.org/index.php/default/nbfetview/id/67561/sub/(2019 3 30).

〔128〕Article 1(2)of Regulation(EC)No 91/2009.

〔129〕OJ L 275,4.10.2012,p.21.



〔132〕19 U.S.C.3512(b)(2)(A).


〔134〕Jeanne J.Grimmett:WTO Dispute Settlement:Status of U.S.Compliance in Pending Cases,CRS Report for Congress,April 23,2012.

〔135〕467 U.S.837(1984).

〔136〕6 U.S.(2 Cranch)64,118(1804).

〔137〕SNR Roulements v.United States,341 F.Supp.2d 1334,1341(Ct.Int'l Trade 2004).

〔138〕454 F.3d 1361,1366(Fed.Cir.2006).

〔139〕WTO.Dispute settlement[EB/OL].http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/cases_e/ds108_e.Htm(2019-3-30).


〔141〕Council Regulation(EC)No.384/96 of 22 December 1995 on protection against dumped imports from coun-tries not members of the European Community[Repealed by Council Regulation(EC)No.1225/2009 of 30 November 2009 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community];Council Regulation(EC)No.1973/2002 of 5 November 2002 amending Regulation(EC)No.2026/97 on the protection against subsidised imports from countries not members of the European Community.

〔142〕The European Commission-Pre Lex Website,COM(2012)41,2012/0019/COD,Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Council Regulation(EC)No.1225/2009 of 30 November 2009 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community.


〔144〕Alberto Alemanno.Recent Development:Judicial Enforcement of the WTO Hormones Ruling Within the European Community:Toward EC Liability for the Non-Implementation of WTO Dispute Settlement Decisions?.Harvard International Law Journal,2004,45(1):560.


〔146〕Case C-53/96,Hemes,1998E.C.R.I-3603.






〔152〕WTO.Current status of disputes[EB/OL].http://www.Wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/dispu_current_status_e.htm(2019 4 30).

