理论教育 角色反转:成员执行WTO裁决的强有力对价


时间:2023-05-27 理论教育 版权反馈










〔3〕Won-Mog Choi.To Comply or Not to Comply?-Non-implementation Problems in the WTO Dispute Settlement System.Journal of World Trade,2007,41(5):1043.

〔4〕John Jackson.Dispute Settlement and the WTO:Background Note for Conference on Developing Countries and the New Round Multilateral of Trade Negotiations.New York:Harvard University Press,1999:58.


〔6〕Jide Nzelibe.The Credibility Imperative:The Political Dynamics of Retaliation in the World Trade Organization's Dispute Resolution Mechanism.Theoretical Inquiries in Law,2005,6(1):215.

〔7〕Joel P.Trachtman.Building the WTO Cathedral.Stanford Journal of International Law,2007,43(2):14.

〔8〕John Jackson.The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding:Misunderstandings on the Nature of Legal Obligation.American Journal of International of Law,1997,91(4):62.

〔9〕John Jackson.The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding;Misunderstanding on the Nature of Legal Obligation.91 American Journal of International Law,1997,65(7):60.

〔10〕Frieder Roessler.Performance of The System IV:Implementation,Comments,The International Lawyer.New York:Int'l Law Press,1998:789.

〔11〕Petros C.Mavroidis.Remedies in the WTO Legal System:Between a Rock and Hard Place.European JIL,2000,11(5):534.

〔12〕Geert A.Zonnekeyn.The Legal Status of WTO Panel Reports in the EC Legal Order,Some Reflections on the Opinion of Advocate General Mishicho in the Atlanta Case.Journal of International Economic Law,1999,71(3):721.

〔13〕See International Law Association London Conference(2000),Fourth Report of the Committee,Committee On International Trade Law,para.30.

〔14〕The Appellate Body Report on Japan-Alcoholic Beverages,WT/DS 8,10,11/AB/R,adopted on 1 November 1996,p.14.


〔16〕See Article 21.1 of the DSU.

〔17〕Beth A.Simmons.Compliance with International Agreements.Review of Political Science,1998,75(8):798.

〔18〕See Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary.

〔19〕See Shorter Oxford English Dictionary(5th ed),Oxford University Press.





〔24〕John H.Jackson.The WTO Dispute Settlement-Misunderstanding on the Nature of Legal Obligation.American Journal of International Law,1997,91:60-63.

〔25〕John H.Jackson.International Law Status of WTO Dispute Settlement Reports:Obligation to Comply or Option to“Buy Out”?.The American Journal of International Law,2004,98(1):123-125.

〔26〕Petros C.Mavroidis.Remedies in the WTO Legal System:Between a Rock and a Hard Place.European Journal of International Law,2000,11:782.

〔27〕John H.Jackson.The WTO Dispute Settlement-Misunderstanding on the Nature of Legal Obligation.American Journal of International Law,1997,91:62.

〔28〕Carlos M.Vazquez,John H.Jackson.Some Reflections on Compliance with WTO Dispute Settlement Decisions,Law and Policy in International Business.Law&Pol'y Int'l Bus,2002,67:565.








〔36〕Fatoumata Jawara,Aileen Kwa.Behind the Scenes at the WTO:the real world of international trade negotiation.London:Zed Books,2005:5.


〔38〕John Austin.The Province of Jurisprudence Determined.NY:Prometheus Books,2000:141-142.

〔39〕Nathaniel Berman.The Paradoxes of Legitimacy:Case Studies in International Legal Modernism.32 Harvard International Law Journal,1991,29:583.

〔40〕Louis Henkin.How Nation Behave:Law and Foreign Policy.New York:Columbia University Press,1979:47.

〔41〕Petros C.Mavroidis.Remedies in the WTO Legal System:Between a Rock and Hard Place.European JIL,2000,11:782.

〔42〕Shabtai Rosenne.The World Court:What It Is and How It Works.Marinus Nijhoff Pbulishers,1995:42-43.

〔43〕Award of the Arbitrator under Article 21.3(c),US-Offset Act(Byrd Amendment),para.69.

〔44〕Boutros-Ghali.A Grotian Moment.18 Fordham International Law Journal,1995,17:1609.







〔51〕Hudec,Robert E.International Economic Law:The Political Theatre Dimension,17 University of Pennsylvania J.of International Economic Law,1996:9–15.Hudec,Robert E.The New WTO Dispute Settlement Procedure:An Overview of the First Three Years,8 Minnesota J.of Global Trade,1999:26.

〔52〕Petersmann,Ernst-Ulrich.Reforming the World Trading System:Rule-Making,Trade Negotiations,and Dispute Settlement,Oxford:Oxford Univ.Press,2005:178.这种策略就显得特别有效。在棉花案件中以及EC-Sugar[European Communities—Export Subsidies on Sugar,complaint by Brazil(DS266)].See http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/dispu_e.htm(2019 4 30).

〔53〕Petersmann,Ernst-Ulrich.WTO Negotiators Meet Academics:The Negotiations on Improvements of the WTO Dispute Settlement System,6 J.of International Economic Law,2003:237.Odell,John S.Negotiating the World Economy,Ithaca,NY:Cornell Univ.Press,2000:125.Weekes,John M.The External Dynamics of the Dispute Settlement Understanding:An Initial Analysis of Its Impact on Trade Relations and Trade Negotiations,Presented at Conference on International Trade and Dispute Settlement,Montevideo,Uruguay,15 April,2004.Davis,Christina L.Food Fights Over Free Trade:How International Institutions Promote Agricultural Trade Liberalization,Princeton,NJ:Princeton Univ.Press,2003:96.

〔54〕Galanter,Marc.Why the‘Haves’Come Out Ahead:Speculations on the Limits of Legal Change,9 Law&Society Rev,1974:95.

〔55〕Joseph A.Conti.The Good Case:Decisions to Litigate at the World Trade Organization,Law&Society Review,2008,42(1):175.


〔57〕Louis Henkin.How Nation Behave:Law and Foreign Policy(2nd.ed).New York:Columbia University Press,1979:47.

〔58〕Louis Henkin's famous phrase,“almost all nations observe almost all principles of international law and almost all their obligations almost all of the time.”Louis Henkin.How Nations Behave.F.A.Praeger,1968:42.

〔59〕WT/DS/OV/34,3 June 2010.


〔61〕Yang Guohua,“China in the WTO Dispute Settlement:A Memoir”,Journal of World Trade,2015,49(1):11.

〔62〕Joost Pauwelyn.Enforcement and Countermeasures in the WTO:Rules are Rules—Toward a More Collective Approach.The American Journal of International Law,2000,94(2):335.



〔65〕Louis Henkin.How Nations Behave(2nd ed).Columbia University Press,1979:48.

〔66〕Robert Hudec.The GATT Legal System and World Trade Diplomacy.Butterworth Legal Publisher,1990:468.



〔69〕The Jean Monnet Center for International and Regional Economic Law&Justice,WTO Obligations are bilateral obligations.http://centers.law.nyu.edu/jeanmonnet/archive/papers/02/020101-01.html(2019 4 30).


〔71〕有关国际法遵守理论的系统阐述,详见Markus Burgstaller.Theories of Compliance with International Law,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2005.

〔72〕John Magnus.Compliance with WTO Dispute Settlement Decisions:Is There a Crisis?.http://www.tradewinsllc.net/publi/DS%20Book%20Chapter%2010-05.pdf(2019-4-28).


〔74〕Thomas M.Franck.Legitimacy in the International System.American Journal of International Law,2002(82):706.

〔75〕James McCall Smith.The Politics of Dispute Settlement Design:Explaining Legalism in Regional Trade Pacts.International Law,2000,54(1):142.

〔76〕19 U.S.C.3512(a)(2)(2000).

〔77〕Robert E.Hudec.Enforcing International Trade Law.Salem:Butterworth,1991:172.

〔78〕Julian G.Ku.The Delegation of Federal Power to International Organizations:New Problems With Old Solutions.MINN.Law Review,2000:77.


〔80〕国际法规则能否在欧盟产生直接的法律效力,欧洲法院确定的一般标准是:1.该规则的内容是否足够清楚、准确;2.根据国际法的上下文和目的,判定该规则是否符合国际法的目的,详见Case 270/80,Polydor Ltd.V.Harlequin Record Shops Ltd.,1982 E.C.R.329;Case C-149/96,The Queen v.Minister of Agric,Fisheries and Food,1994 E.C.R.I-3087等。

〔81〕John H.Jackson.The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding-Misunderstanding on the Nature of Legal Obligation.The American Journal of International Law,2001,91(1):60.

〔82〕John H.Jackson.The Jurisprudence of GATT and the WTO:Insights on Treaty Law and Economic Relations(2nd ed).New York:High Education Press,2002:163.

〔83〕Shabtai Rosenne.The World Court,What It Is and How It Words(5th ed).Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995:42.

〔84〕Award of the Arbitrator under Article 21.3(c),US-Offset Act(Byrd Amendment),para.69.



〔87〕Robert E.Hudec.The Adequacy of WTO Dispute Settlement Remedies:A Developing Country Perspective.In Bernard Hoekman,Aaditya Mattoo.Philip English eds.Development,Trade,and the WTO:A Handbook.Washington DC:The World Bank,2002:84.

〔88〕Darrell Chichester.Battle of the Beef.International Law Review,2007(221),note 3.

〔89〕Naboth van den Broek.Power Paradoxes in Enforcement and Implementation of World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Reports:Interdisciplinary Approaches and New Proposals.Journal of World Trade,2003,37:152.

〔90〕GAO's Report Page 5.See US Experience in Dispute Settlement System:the First Five Years,Available in the website www.gao.gov/new.items/n700202t.pdf(2019 4 30).


〔92〕Judith H.Bello.The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding:Less is More.American Journal of International Law,1996(90):416.

〔93〕Congressional Digest,1994:270,转引自金灿荣.国会与美国贸易政策的制定.美国研究,2000(2):43.

〔94〕USTR's Report Page 10.See US Interests and Experience in the WTO Dispute Settlement System,Available in the website www.ustr.gov/speech_test/barshefsky/barshefskyt40.pdf(2019 4 30).

〔95〕Andrew T.Guzman.A Compliance-Based Theory of International Law.Cal.Law Review,2002:1848-1849.

〔96〕John H.Jackson.An Interview with John H.Jackson:Shaping International Economic Law.Journal of the International Institute,1997,54:60.

〔97〕John H.Jackson.Dispute Settlement and the WTO Emerging Problems.Journal of International Economic Law,1998,37:329.

〔98〕Rachel Brewster.Unpacking the State's Reputation.Harvard International Law Journal,2009,71:255.


〔100〕Horn,Henrik and Petros C.Mavroidis.Remedies in the WTO Dispute Settlement System and Developing Country Interests.http://www1.worldbank.org/wbiep/trade/papers_2000/BPdisput.PDF(2019 4 28).

