理论教育 英文企业宣传材料的文体特点及翻译技巧


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈




1)Metrostav is one of the thriving leaders among Central European construction companies, characterized by sustainable growth of production performance and market value, with management levels meeting EU standards.


2)Naturally PostBus Tourism is not only concerned with groups but also about the individual traveler who would like to explore Switzerland under their own steam.




1)Reliability, security and customer proximity is included in the philosophy of PostBus Switzerland.


2)It is a body for the representation and promotion of the sector’s interest specially in the economic, commercial and technological field.




1)Volve, the Swedish automotive, energy and food group, increased its profits by ten point nine percent in the first quarter of the year despite a fall of five percent in group turnover.


2)The company will continue to function in all the fields of building industry in the Czech Republic, with a center in Prague.


(二)渣打银行(Standard Chartered)宣传材料汉译实践

Responsible for More than the Bottom Line

When I became chief executive of Standard Chartered in November 2001, the idea of corporate responsibility was virtually unheard of.It now runs through our company.

We have introduced an annual corporate responsibility report, we have a board-level corporate responsibility committee and the bank has established a global environment programme to manage the impact of our business.But our most visible activities are our community initiatives.Many countries in our key markets of Asia, Africa and the Middle East do not enjoy the same level of economic and social development as those in the western world, so we have put in place global campaigns on two of the major blights in our markets—avoidable blindness and HIV-Aids.

Some will say it is not a company’s job to make a difference to communities in this way:“The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits,” as Milton Friedman put it.But this argument is based on an increasingly false dichotomy.We have found that the long-term sustainability of a responsible company and its communities are more closely linked than we expected.In future those links will strengthen, to become crucial to the success of global businesses.

Charitable partnership

Our “Seeing is Believing” campaign is ahead of schedule in restoring sight to one million blind people.The programme, a joint project with Sightsavers International and other leading charities, has involved our staff, customers and suppliers to achieve more than the bank could do alone.The campaign has helped form a stronger bond with those stakeholders than was there before, showing how making a difference to communities also brings benefits for the bank.

This point is further emphasised by our “Living with HIV” campaign to raise awareness and understanding of HIV and Aids within the bank and outside.We operate in countries devastated by HIV and Aids.In Botswana 25% of those aged 15 to 45 have HIV, and in Zimbabwe the figure is 26%.

We employ 5,000 people in Africa and on any day 500 of them will be off work because of HIV and Aids, receiving treatment, caring for a relative or attending a funeral.It is in our long-term interest to minimise the impact of the disease.The campaign also has near-term benefits.

By establishing “Living With HIV” and policies preventing discrimination against infected staff, we are seen as a responsible employer.Our employees, who put the programme into action, are motivated because they want to work for a responsible business that works for the wider community.

The campaign has also strengthened links with governments.Other examples of this include working with a Chinese government agency on a billboard poster campaign to improve awareness of HIV/Aids.In Thailand, we are training government officials and have received many awards from the Ministry of Public Health.

We have found that these activities improve relations not only with the governments of the countries concerned but also with other sympathetic countries and non-governmental organisations, some of whom are clients.

Natural disasters

The need for companies to take responsibility has increased because we live in a less predictable world.One of the major changes we have seen so far this century has been an increase in shocks, both natural and man-made.Our main regions have experienced the outbreaks of Sars and avian flu, the Asian tsunami, earthquakes in Pakistan and Iran, and war in Iraq and Afghanistan.Other shock events include Hurricane Katrina and the terrorist attacks in New York and other cities.

In a volatile world, people will look to companies to contribute when communities are damaged by unexpected events.Standard Chartered donated $5m to the tsunami relief; the bank pledged $1m towards the effort in Pakistan and, as the extent of the damage and suffering becomes clearer, we are looking at ways to increase our contribution.

These efforts have helped to make life better for people in our markets through sustainable development.But the initiatives do not stand alone.They reflected a set of values I have set out for the bank, which I believe are essential for managing advise global business and protecting its reputation.

Standard Chartered employs more than 40,000 people in 56 countries with widely varying business cultures.The bank has added about 10,000 staff in the past year, including more than 5,000 in Korea, where we bought Korea First Bank(now SC First Bank)last year.

Benefit analysis

Standard Chartered operates in some of the fastest-growing but most underdevelopedcountries in the world, and making a difference through corporate responsibility is a huge issue for us.We believe that doing the right thing would enhance our reputation, but there have been extra benefits that we did not fully appreciate.

We have strengthened relationships with internal and external stakeholders and improved awareness of the Standard Chartered brand beyond our expectations.The values of a responsible company help underpin our standards when we do business as the bank grows rapidly.

Those who are skeptical about corporate responsibility point to a tension between shareholders’ desire for returns and the cost to companies of supporting communities.But investors increasingly understand that making a difference is an investment, and Standard Chartered’s shareholders support our corporate responsibility activities.

Our approach is paying off now, but the real benefits will be long term.Companies who focus solely on their duty to make a profit will be healthy today, but those that recognize corporate responsibility as a driver of performance will be the successful global companies of tomorrow.


initiative n.初步行动,初级阶段

blight n.不良影响,打击

dichotomy n.两分法,分裂

sustainability n.可持续发展

devastate v.毁坏

Botswana n.博茨瓦纳

Zimbabwe n.津巴布韦

infected adj.被感染的

billboard poster 宣传招贴或海报

tsunami n.海啸(www.daowen.com)

hurricane n.飓风

volatile adj.不稳定的;可辨的

ethical standards 道德伦理标准

instilling in 灌输,渗透

stance n.姿态

retention n.保留,保持

prudent adj.谨慎的

spectrum n.范围,领域

hydroelectric dam 水电大坝

indigenous adj.本土的

underpin v.巩固,加强……的基础

skeptical adj.怀疑的

pay off 得到回报


1.渣打银行(Standard Chartered)


2.Many countries in our key markets of Asia, Africa and the Middle East do not enjoy the same level of economic and social development as those in the western world, so we have put in place global campaigns on two of the major blights in our markets-avoidable blindness and HIV-Aids.

动词词组一般都是固定的,有些词的组合看上去是一个词组,但事实则不尽然。如上句中的put in place就不是词组,而in place才是,意为:适当地、合适地。因此我们可以把相关句子调整为:so we have put global campaigns in place on two of the major blights in our markets—avoidable blindness and HIV-Aids.





3.Some will say it is not a company’s job to make a difference to communities in this way.


有很多词组只有一词之差,但意思却相差很远,因此在记忆和理解词组时要力求准确。例如:这一句话中的词组to make a difference 的意思是:施加影响,和其相近的词组to make a difference between则是“区别对待”的意思。

4.Our “Seeing is Believing” campaign is ahead of schedule in restoring sight to one million blind people.


此句话中的be ahead of是指在空间上在先或时间上提前。“is ahead of schedule”是指活动较计划提前实施或完成,而不能理解为实施计划的前奏。









在非洲我们聘用了5 000名员工。每天都有500人会因为艾滋病接受治疗、照顾家人或参加葬礼这些理由而不能来上班。减轻疾病造成的影响对我们长远的利益有效。当然该活动也带来了短期的效益。








渣打银行在全球56个国家共招募了4万多名员工。他们分别带来了不同的企业文化。去年我们又增收了1万名雇员,其中包括我们去年收购的韩国第一银行(现易名为渣打第一银行)而增加的5 000名韩国员工。






