理论教育 使用复杂介词短语替换简单介词的常见技巧


时间:2023-05-24 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:商务英语中经常会看到使用复杂的介词短语来代替简单介词的情况。这些复杂介词短语的使用,增强了商务文献的准确性,避免了含混不清、模棱两可。3)Where an employee is granted any period of annual leave, the employer shall pay him annual leave pay in respect of that period not later than the day on which he is next paid his wages after that period.凡雇员获得任何一段期间的年假,雇主最迟须于该段期间后的第一个发薪日付给该雇员该段期间的年假薪酬。他们凭这种权利自由决定他们的政治地位,并自由谋求他们的经济、社会和文化的发展。


商务英语中经常会看到使用复杂的介词短语来代替简单介词的情况。如用in respect of,with reference to,with regard to 等代替about,用in accordance with,according to,in the light of,by virtue of 等来代替by/under。这些复杂介词短语的使用,增强了商务文献的准确性,避免了含混不清、模棱两可。

1)Without prejudice to section 24, the following shall be treated as properly executed ...


2)A judge may, on the application of an appellant who is in custody, order the appellant to be brought up to the court in custody for the purpose of attending his appeal or any application or any proceeding therein.


3)Where an employee is granted any period of annual leave, the employer shall pay him annual leave pay in respect of that period not later than the day on which he is next paid his wages after that period.


4)All peoples have the right of self-determination.By virtue of that right they freelydetermine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.


