Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly consultation.
It is mutually agreed that the certificates of quality and quantity or weight issued by the Manufacturer shall be part of the document to be presented to the paying bank for negotiation of payments.
It is said that our bilateral deficit with Japan stubbornly refuses to shrink because their market are closed.
Deposits at banks and other financial institutions are also money because they can be converted into currency and because they are used to settle debts.
Though commissions in the over-the-counter securities market are unfettered by legal restraints, brokerages have agreed to charge the same fees in order to keep profit margins up.
被动语态除了不带个人主观性,强调客观事实之外,还具有较高的礼貌性,使语气更加委婉。Ashley 指出,在商务信函中,为了使得请求听起来比较温和,从而更加礼貌得体,可以选择被动语态作为适当的语言形式。因此,被动语态在外贸函电、合同中也有较高的使用频率。如:
Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be appreciated.
So far, all our purchases from you have been paid by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit.
After a check-up by our staff, it was found that the packing bags of some 30 bags were not strong enough, thus resulting in the breakage during the transit, for which we render our apologies.
Unless otherwise specified in writing herein, all Confidential Information must be returned to the disclosing Party or destroyed on the expiration of the period of the receiving Party’s using such Confidential Information.
Where the disputes arising out of or in relation to this Contract can not be resolved within fifteen(15)days after any Party hereto requesting in writing the other Party to commencing a consultation on said disputes, either Party may submit it to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration(CIETAC).