理论教育 优化后的文章标题是:重要知识简介:关税壁垒与非关税壁垒


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈

1. Trade barrier

Trade barriers are government-induced restrictions on international trade. The barriers usually can be divided into Tariffs and Non-tariff barriers to trade. Non-tariff barriers to trade include following forms:

Import licenses

Export licenses

Import quotas


Voluntary Export Restraints

Local content requirements


Currency devaluation

Trade restriction

Whatever its form, a trade barrier is designed to make foreign products more expensive than domestic products and, as a result, protect domestic industries. If two or more nations repeatedly use trade barriers against each other, then a trade conflict, or trade war results.

贸易壁垒(Trade Barriers) 又称贸易障碍。对国外商品劳务交换所设置的人为限制,主要是指一国对外国商品劳务进口所实行的各种限制措施。一般分关税壁垒和关税壁垒两类。











The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG;the Vienna Convention) is a treaty which is a uniform international sales law. As of May 2016, it has been ratified by 85 states that account for a significant proportion of world trade,making it one of the most successful international uniform laws.

The CISG was developed by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law(UNCITRAL), and was signed in Vienna in 1980. It came into force as a multilateral treaty on 1 January 1988, after being ratified by 11 countries.

China entered into CISG in 1981. Nowadays, CISG is generally regarded as the most important and prevailing law applied to international trade contracts.





3.Incoterms 2010

The Incoterms rules or International Commercial Terms are a series of pre-defined commercial terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). They are widely used in International commercial transactions or procurement processes. A series of three-letter trade terms related to common contractual sales practices, the Incoterms rules are intended primarily to clearly communicate the tasks, costs, and risks associated with the transportation and delivery of goods.(www.daowen.com)

The Incoterms rules are accepted by governments, legal authorities, and traders worldwide for the interpretation of most commonly used terms in international trade. They are intended to reduce or remove altogether uncertainties arising from different interpretation of the rules in different countries. As such they are regularly incorporated into sales contracts worldwide.

First published in 1936, the Incoterms rules have been periodically updated, with the eighth version—Incoterms 2010—having been published on January 1, 2011.

In the prior version, the rules were divided into four categories, but the 11 pre-defined terms of Incoterms 2010 are subdivided into two categories based only on method of delivery.The larger group of seven rules may be used regardless of the method of transport, with the smaller group of four being applicable only to sales that solely involve transportation by water where the condition of the goods can be verified at the point of loading on board ship. They are therefore not to be used for containerized freight, other combined transport methods, or for transport by road, air or rail.

Rules for any mode of transport:

EXW - Ex Works (named place of delivery)

FCA - Free Carrier (named place of delivery)

CPT - Carriage Paid To (named place of destination)

CIP - Carriage and Insurance Paid to (named place of destination)

DAT - Delivered At Terminal (named terminal at port or place of destination)

DAP - Delivered At Place (named place of destination)

DDP - Delivered Duty Paid (named place of destination)

Rules for sea and inland waterway transport:

FAS - Free Alongside Ship (named port of shipment)

FOB - Free on Board (NINGBO)

CFR - Cost and Freight (named port of destination)

CIF - Cost, Insurance & Freight (named port of destination)

Incoterms是国际贸易术语解释通则。它来自于International Commercial Terms,全称为 International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms. 它的宗旨是为普遍使用中的国际贸易术语提供一套解释的国际规则,以避免或减少各国不同解释而出现的不确定性。

最新Incoterms 2010版本,即《2010年国际贸易术语解释通则》(以下简称《2010通则》)共有11种贸易术语,按照所适用的运输方式划分为两大类:


EXW(ex works)     工厂交货

FCA(free carrier)     货交承运人

CPT(carriage paid to)     运费付至

CIP(carriage and insurance paid to)     运费与保险费付至

DAT(delivered at terminal)     运输终端交货

DAP(delivered at place)     目的地交货

DDP(delivered duty paid)     完税后交货


FAS(free alongside ship)     装运港船边交货

FOB(free on board)     装运港船上交货

CFR(cost and freight)     成本加运费

CIF(cost insurance and freight)     成本、保险费加运费

