百科知识 水生花卉的种类有哪些你知道吗


更新时间:2025-01-03 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:根据水生花卉对水分要求的不同,可将水生花卉分为四类。水生花卉一般喜富含有机质的塘泥,在肥分不足的基质中生长较弱。1.水生花卉的繁殖 水生花卉一般采用播种繁殖和分株繁殖。水生花卉播种繁殖的日常管理与其他花卉类似,但一般发芽速度较慢,短则十余天,长则3个月至1年。耐寒的水生花卉,可直接栽于深浅合适之池中或水边,冬季不需保护,休眠期间对水的深浅要求亦不严。


    水生花卉(water ornamental plants)泛指生长于水中或沼泽地的观赏植物,一般对水分的要求或依赖远远大于其他观赏植物


    (1)挺水类 花卉植株根生于水底泥中,茎叶挺出水面之上,花开时离开水面,甚为美丽,足丰要的观赏类型之一,如荷花、千屈菜、菖蒲、水葱、水生鸢尾等。挺水类花卉对水的深度要求因种类不同而异,栽培中要求水深从沼泽地至水深1--2m。

    (2)浮水类 花卉植株根生于水底泥中,叶片漂浮水而或略高出水面,花开时近水面,也是主要的观赏类型之一,如睡莲、萍蓬、王莲、荇菜、莼菜等。浮水类花卉对水的深度要求也因种类而异,栽培中要求水深从岸边浅水至水深2~3m。

    (3)漂浮类 花卉植株根浮生于水体中,叶完全浮于水而,可随水漂移,在水面的位置不易控制,如风眼莲、浮萍、满江红等。

    (4)沉水类 花卉植株根生于水底泥中,茎叶全沉于水中,是净化水质或布置水下景观的优良植物,如玻璃藻、眼子菜、苦草等。





  播种繁殖一般于水中进行,先将种子播丁有培养土的盆中,盖以沙或士,然后将盆浸入水中,浸水的过程应逐步进行,由浅到深,刚开始时仅使盆上湿润即可,之后可使水面高出盆土。水生花卉播种繁殖的日常管理与其他花卉类似,但一般发芽速度较慢,短则十余天,长则3个月至 1年。()水生花卉多采用分生繁殖,有时亦采用播种法。分株一般于春季开始萌芽时进行,适应性强的种类,初夏亦可分栽,方法与宿根花卉类似。播种法应用较少,大多数水生花卉种子干燥后即丧失发芽力,故成熟时应立即播种,或贮于水中。水生鸢尾类、荷花及香蒲等少数种类,其种子、果实可干藏。









荷花(Lotus flower):属山龙眼睡莲科,是莲属二种植物的通称。又名莲花、水芙蓉等。是莲属多年生水生草本花卉。

地下茎长而肥厚,有长节,叶盾圆形。花期6至9月,单生于花梗顶端,花瓣多数,嵌生在花托穴内,有红、粉红、白、紫等色,或有彩纹、镶边。坚果椭圆形,种子卵形。 荷花种类很多,分观赏和食用两大类。





Nelumbo nucifera, also known as Indian lotus, sacred lotus, bean of India, or simply lotus, is one of two species of aquatic plant in the family Nelumbonaceae. The Linnaean binomial Nelumbo nucifera (Gaertn.) is the currently recognized name for this species, which has been classified under the former names, Nelumbium speciosum (Willd.) and Nymphaea nelumbo, among others. (These names are obsolete synonyms and should be avoided in current works.) This plant is an aquatic perennial. Under favorable circumstances its seeds may remain viable for many years, with the oldest recorded lotus germination being from that of seeds 1,300 years old recovered from a dry lakebed in northeastern China.

Native to Tropical Asia and Queensland, Australia, it is commonly cultivated in water gardens. It is also the national flower of India, and Vietnam.


睡莲(Nymphaea tetragona),多年生水生草本;根状茎肥厚。叶柄圆柱形,细长。叶椭圆形,浮生于水面,全缘,叶基心形,叶表面浓绿,背面暗紫。叶二型:浮水叶圆形或卵形,基部具弯缺,心形或箭形,常无出水叶;沉水叶薄膜质,脆弱。花单生,浮于或挺出水面;花萼四枚,绿色;花瓣通常八片。果实倒卵形,长约3厘米。花大形、美丽,浮在或高出水面,白天开花夜间闭合;萼片近离生;花瓣白色、蓝色、黄色或粉红色,成多轮,有时内轮渐变成雄蕊;药隔有或无附属物;心皮环状,贴生且半沉没在肉质杯状花托,且在下部与其部分地愈合,上部延伸成花柱,柱头成凹入柱头盘,胚珠倒生,垂生在子房内壁。浆果海绵质,不规则开裂,在水面下成熟;种子坚硬,为胶质物包裹,有肉质杯状假种皮,胚小,有少量内胚乳及丰富外胚乳。

English: pygmy waterlily, Water lily Deutsch: Zwerg-Seerose suomi: Suomenlumme 日本語: ヒツジグサ 한국어: 수련: русский: Кувшинка четырёхгранная svenska: Finsk näckros 粵語: 睡蓮 中文: 睡蓮, 睡莲 中文(台灣)‎: 睡蓮


王莲(学名:Victoria regia Lindl.)是睡莲科王莲属植物。多年生或一年生大型浮叶草本,有直立的根状短茎和发达的不定须根,白色。拥有巨型奇特似盘的叶片,浮于水面,十分壮观,并以它娇容多变的花色和浓厚的香味闻名于世。夏季开花,单生,浮于水面,初为白色,次日变为深红而枯萎。




Victoria amazonica is a species of flowering plant, the largest of the Nymphaeaceae family of water lilies.

The species has very large leaves, up to 3 m in diameter, that float on the water's surface on a submerged stalk, 7–8 m in length. The species was once called Victoria regia after Queen Victoria, but the name was superseded. V. amazonica is native to the shallow waters of the Amazon River basin, such as oxbow lakes and bayous. It is depicted in the Guyanese coat of arms. The flowers are white the first night they are open and become pink the second night. They are up to 40 cm in diameter, and are pollinated by beetles. This process was described in detail by Sir Ghillean Prance and Jorge Arius.It is the largest waterlily in the world.


千屈菜(Lythrum salicaria L.)又名水枝柳、水柳、对叶莲等,多年生草本植物。千屈菜根茎横卧于地下,粗壮;茎直立,多分枝,高30-100厘米;全株青绿色,略被粗毛或密被绒毛;枝通常具4棱。叶对生或三叶轮生,披针形或阔披针形株高1米左右;长穗状花序顶生,小花多而密,紫红色,夏秋开花。千屈菜喜光,多生长在湿润、通风良好的环境,耐盐碱,在肥沃、疏松的土壤中生长效果更好。千屈菜自然种生长于沼泽地、沟渠边或滩涂上,分布于亚洲、欧洲、非洲的阿尔及利亚、北美和澳大利亚东南部。千屈菜全株可入药,可治痢疾、肠炎等症;另具外伤止血功效。(www.daowen.com)

Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife) is a flowering plant belonging to the family Lythraceae. It should not be confused with other plants sharing the name loosestrife that are members of the family Primulaceae. Other names include spiked loosestrife, or purple lythrum.


1.凤眼莲Eichhornia crassipes

凤眼莲,(拉丁文名:Eichhornia crassipes)是一种原产于南美洲亚马逊河流域属于雨久花科、凤眼蓝属的一种漂浮性水生植物。亦被称为凤眼蓝、浮水莲花、水葫芦、布袋莲。凤眼莲曾一度被很多国家引进,广泛分布于世界各地,亦被列入世界百大外来入侵种之一。




Eichhornia crassipes, commonly known as (common) water hyacinth, is an aquatic plant native to the Amazon basin, and is often considered a highly problematic invasive species outside its native range.

Water hyacinth is a free-floating perennial aquatic plant (or hydrophyte) native to tropical and sub-tropical South America. With broad, thick, glossy, ovate leaves, water hyacinth may rise above the surface of the water as much as 1 meter in height. The leaves are 10–20 cm across, and float above the water surface. They have long, spongy and bulbous stalks. The feathery, freely hanging roots are purple-black. An erect stalk supports a single spike of 8-15 conspicuously attractive flowers, mostly lavender to pink in colour with six petals. When not in bloom, water hyacinth may be mistaken for frog's-bit (Limnobium spongia).

One of the fastest growing plants known, water hyacinth reproduces primarily by way of runners or stolons, which eventually form daughter plants. Each plant can produce thousands of seeds each year, and these seeds can remain viable for more than 28 years.Some water hyacinths were found to grow up to 2 to 5 metres a day in some sites in Southeast Asia.The common water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) are vigorous growers known to double their population in two weeks.

In their native range these flowers are pollinated by long tongued bees and they can reproduce both sexually and clonally. The invasiveness of the hyacinth is related to its ability to clone itself and large patches are likely to all be part of the same genetic form. There are three morphs of water hyacinth, long medium and short. However, the short morph is restricted to the native range due to founder events during its distribution.

2.香蒲Typha orientalis

香蒲(学名:Typha orientalis Presl)香蒲科香蒲属的一个种,多年生水生或沼生草本植物,根状茎乳白色,地上茎粗壮,向上渐细,叶片条形,叶鞘抱茎,雌雄花序紧密连接,果皮具长形褐色斑点。种子褐色,微弯。花果期5-8月。



Typha orientalis, commonly known as bulrush, bullrush, cumbungi in Australia, or raupō in New Zealand, is a perennial herbaceous plant in the genus Typha. It can be found in Australia (all 6 states plus Northern Territory and Norfolk Island), New Zealand including the Chatham Islands and the Kermadec Islands), Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, China and the Russian Far East (Sakhalin and Primorye).

T. orientalis is a wetland plant that grows on the edges of ponds, lakes and slow flowing rivers and streams.

Raupō was quite useful to Māori. The rhizomes were cooked and eaten, while the flowers were baked into cakes. The leaves were used for roofs and walls and occasionally for canoe sails.[4] Māori introduced raupō to the Chatham Islands.

3.花菖蒲Iris ensata var. hortensis

花菖蒲(学名:Iris ensata var. hortensis Makino et Nemoto):是玉蝉花的变种。多年生宿根挺水型水生花卉。根状茎短而粗,须根多并有纤维状枯叶梢,叶基生,线形,叶中脉凸起,两侧脉较平整。花葶直立并伴有退化叶1-3枚。花大直径可达15厘米。外轮三片花瓣呈椭圆形至倒卵形,中部有黄斑和紫纹,立瓣狭倒披针形。花柱分枝三条,花瓣状,顶端二裂。蒴果长圆形,有棱,种皮褐黑色。花期6-7月,果期8-9月。以日本栽培最盛,己育出一百多个品种。

4.萍蓬草 Nuphar pumila



Nuphar pumila, the least water-lily or small yellow pond-lily, is an aquatic perennial plant in the Nymphaeaceae family. It is also known as dwarf water lily because it is the dwarf species of Nuphar lutea; while Nuphar lutea has a star-shaped form of the stigma disc and glabrous leaf undersides, Nuphar pumila has a round stigma disc and the undersides of its leaves are fine-haired. Its flowers bloom from July to August and are typically pollinated by flies.

The plant is more successful in sunny environments, predominantly in lakes, ponds and slow-flowing parts of rivers from Northern and Central Europe to Northern Asia, with a few noted habitats in North America; Nuphar pumila is considered endangered in France, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

5.大薸 Pistia stratiotes



Pistia is a genus of aquatic plant in the arum family, Araceae. The single species it comprises, Pistia stratiotes, is often called water cabbage, water lettuce, Nile cabbage, or shellflower. Its native distribution is uncertain, but probably pantropical; it was first discovered from the Nile near Lake Victoria in Africa. It is now present, either naturally or through human introduction, in nearly all tropical and subtropical fresh waterways. The genus name is derived from the Greek word πιστός (pistos), meaning "water," and refers to the aquatic nature of the plants.

It is a perennial monocotyledon with thick, soft leaves that form a rosette. It floats on the surface of the water, its roots hanging submersed beneath floating leaves. The leaves can be up to 14 cm long and have no stem. They are light green, with parallel veins, wavy margins and are covered in short hairs which form basket-like structures which trap air bubbles, increasing the plant's buoyancy. The flowers are dioecious, and are hidden in the middle of the plant amongst the leaves. Small green berries form after successful fertilization. The plant can also undergo asexual reproduction. Mother and daughter plants are connected by a short stolon, forming dense mats.


气泡椒草(Cryptocoryne bullosa)属天南星科,天南星科植物,原产地印度尼西亚。


气泡椒草种植极其简单,可以适应极恶劣的环境,即使在光照不足,硝酸盐、磷酸盐等过多,水质不佳,营养缺乏等条件下,几乎是种下就可以生长,只是营养过于贫瘠时新长出的叶子会变得很薄,颜色也呈淡绿色。气泡椒草较适宜的水质是硬度5~15。dH、pH 6—7.8、水温22—28℃。最好为其提供较多的养分和铁质,可以使其长得非常旺盛。


Cryptocoryne (water trumpet) is a genus of aquatic monocot plants from the family Araceae (arums). The genus is naturally distributed in tropical regions of Asia and New Guinea.

The typical habitats of Cryptocoryne are mostly streams and rivers with not too rapidly flowing water, in the lowland forest. They also live in seasonally inundated forest pools or on river banks submerged only at high water. Although the proper scientific name of the genus is Cryptocoryne, they are commonly referred to as crypts. The English name "water trumpet" refers to their inflorescence, a spadix enclosed by a spathe (typical for the whole family), which resembles a trumpet.

The first Cryptocoryne species was described in 1779 as Arum spirale by Retzius. The genus was described by Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von Fischer in 1828. However, the scientific classification of Cryptocoryne species is very complicated and there are different opinions about it. Lagenandra is another genus closely related to the genus Cryptocoryne. The two can be easily told apart since the leaves of Cryptocoryne species exhibit convolute vernation whereas Lagenandra species exhibit involute vernation.

The name Cryptocoryne is derived from the Greek crypto, hidden, and koryne, meaning club. The common name (water trumpet) refers to the shape of its inflorescence, which is typical of the arum family.

