百科知识 一年生和二年生花卉的繁殖方式


时间:2023-05-02 百科知识 版权反馈


一年生花卉(annual plant)指生活周期即经营养生长至开花结实最终死亡存一个生长季节内完成的观赏植物,一般春季播种,夏秋开花结实,入冬前死亡,故又称春播花卉。典型的一年生花卉从种子发芽、生长、开花、结实直到枯死,整个生活史在1年内或不到12个月内完成,如鸡冠花、百日草、半支莲、风仙花、万寿菊、扫帚草、翠菊、波斯菊等。另外园艺上部分多年生草本花卉多作一年生栽培,一般也被当作一年生花卉,如一串红、长春花、矮牵牛、金鱼草、紫茉莉、旱金莲、藿香蓟、矢车菊等。



二年生花卉(biennial plant)指生活周期经两年或两个生长季节才能完成的观赏植物,一般在秋季播种后第一年仅形成营养器官,次年春、夏季开花结实而后死亡,故义称秋播花卉。二年生花卉的生长周期虽不满两年,但一般都跨越了年度生长,典型的二年生花卉如美同石竹、紫罗、皇、棒竹香、绿绒荔、毛地黄、风铃草等,另有部分多年生草本花卉亦作二年生栽培,如蜀葵、三色堇、四季报春、瓜叶菊、雏菊、金盏菊等。







(1)留种与采种  一年生和二年生花卉留种应选阳光充足、气温凉爽的季节,此时结实多且饱满。对于容易天然杂交的花卉,如矮牵牛、雏菊、鸡冠花、三色堇、半支莲、百日草、羽衣甘蓝等必须进行品种间隔离种植,以防杂交种子后代出现性状差异,导致观赏特性退化。对于花期长、能连续开花的花卉,采种应多次进行,如凤仙花、半支莲、金鱼草、虞美人在果实刚刚黄熟时,三色堇在蒴果向上时,百日草、翠菊等菊科花卉在头状花序花谢发黄后采取。另外,为获得品性优良的杂交一代种子,每年必须通过多年筛选的父母本进行制种。

(2)种子干燥与贮藏  种子的干燥在少雨、空气湿度低的季节最好采用阴干方式,如需晒干时需在种子上盖一层纸以防晒伤,切忌夏季直接曝晒。种子的贮藏应在低温、干燥条件下进行,尤忌高温高湿,以密闭、冷凉和黑暗的环境为宜。







(1)摘心及抹芽  一年生和二年生花卉中多数种类要求植株生长整齐、株型丰满,促进分枝或控制植株高度,可采用摘心的方法,如金鱼草、万寿菊、千日红、波斯菊、百日草等花卉于生长初期摘心,可有效控制植株高度,促进植株株型丰满,增加花朵数量,还可一定程度地延迟花期。


(2)支柱与绑扎  一年生和二年生花卉中部分种类株形高大或上部枝叶花朵过于沉重,遇风易倒伏,需进行支柱绑扎才利于欣赏,如对蜀葵、向日葵等植株较高、花较大的花卉可采用单根竹竿或芦苇支撑,对于成片种植的、生长高大的花卉周围可插立支柱,并用绳索联系起来以扶持群体。

    (3)剪除残花与花莛  对于连续开花且花期较长的花卉,如一串红、金鱼草、石竹等,花后应及时摘除残花,剪除花莛,不使其结实消耗营养物质,同时加强土肥水管理,以保持植株生长健壮,持续开花,可一定程度地延长花期。


【学名】Salvia splendens








Salvia splendens (scarlet sage, tropical sage) is a tender herbaceous perennial native to Brazil, growing at 2,000 to 3,000 m (6,600 to 9,800 ft) elevation where it is warm year-round and with high humidity. The native plant, rarely seen in cultivation, reaches 1.3 m (4.3 ft) tall. Smaller selections are very popular as bedding plants, seen in shopping malls and public gardens all over the world.



学名】Petunia hybrida








Petunia is genus of 35 species of [1] flowering plants of South American origin, closely related to tobacco, cape gooseberries, tomatoes, deadly nightshades, potatoesand chili peppers in the same family, Solanaceae. The popular flower of the same name derived its epithet from the French, which took the word petun, meaning "tobacco," from a Tupi–Guarani language. An annual, most of the varieties seen in gardens are hybrids (P. × atkinsiana, also known as P. × hybrida).

The plants are herbaceous, generally hairy, and the flowers are funnel-shaped, with petals joined together.[2] The fruit is a dry capsule with two compartments and many tiny seeds.


【学名】  Viola tricolor var.hoftensjs








Viola tricolor, Also known as Johnny Jump up (though this name is also applied to similar species such as the yellow pansy), heartseaseheart's easeheart's delighttickle-my-fancyJack-jump-up-and-kiss-mecome-and-cuddle-methree faces in a hood, or love-in-idleness, is a common European wild flower, growing as an annual or short-lived perennial. It has been introduced into North America, where it has spread. It is the progenitor of the cultivated pansy, and is therefore sometimes called wild pansy; before the cultivated pansies were developed, "pansy" was an alternative name for the wild form.

V. tricolor is a small plant of creeping and ramping habit, reaching at most 15 cm in height, with flowers about 1.5 cm in diameter. It grows in short grassland on farms and wasteland, chiefly on acid or neutral soils. It is usually found in partial shade. It flowers from April to September (in the northern hemisphere). The flowers can be purple, blue, yellow or white. They arehermaphrodite and self-fertile, pollinated by bees.

As its name implies,[citation needed] heartsease has a long history of use in herbalism. It has been recommended, among other uses, for epilepsy, asthma, skin diseases and eczema.V. tricolor has a history in folk medicine of helping respiratory problems such as bronchitis, asthma, and cold symptoms. It has expectorant properties, and so has been used in the treatment of chest complaints such as bronchitis and whooping cough.[medical citation needed] It is also a diuretic, leading to its use in treating rheumatism and cystitis.[citation needed]

The flowers have also been used to make yellow, green and blue-green dyes, while the leaves can be used to make a chemicalindicator.[citation needed]

Long before cultivated pansies were released into the trade in 1839, V. tricolor was associated with thought in the "language of flowers", often by its alternative name of pansy (from the French "pensée" - thought):[citation needed] hence Ophelia's often quoted line in Shakespeare's Hamlet, "There's pansies, that's for thoughts". What Shakespeare had in mind was V. tricolor, not a modern garden pansy.

Shakespeare makes a more direct reference, probably to V. tricolor in A Midsummer Night's Dream. Oberon sends Puck to gather "a little western flower" that maidens call "love-in-idleness". Oberon's account is that he diverted an arrow from Cupid's bow aimed at "a fair vestal, throned by the west" (supposedly Queen Elizabeth I) to fall upon the plant "before milk-white, now purple with love's wound". The "imperial vot'ress" passes on "fancy-free", destined never to fall in love. The juice of the heartsease now, claims Oberon, "on sleeping eyelids laid, Will make or man or woman madly dote Upon the next live creature that it sees." Equipped with such powers, Oberon and Puck control the fates of various characters in the play to provide Shakespeare's essential dramatic and comic structure for the play.


    【学名】Senecio hybridus








Pericallis × hybrida, known as cineraria,[1] florist's cineraria or common ragwort[2] is a flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. It originated as a hybridbetween Pericallis cruenta and P. lanata, both natives of the Canary Islands. The hybrid was first developed in the British royal gardens in 1777. It was originally known as Cineraria × hybrida, but the genus Cineraria is now restricted to a group of South African species, with the Canary Island species being transferred to the genusPericallis; some botanists also treat it in a broad view of the large and widespread genus Senecio. Some varieties are sold under the trade name Senetti.

Cinerarias prefer temperate climates; in cool areas, treat as summer annuals or winter-flowering indoor plants. They like shade in summer but need more light in winter. Plant in humus-rich, cool, moist, well-drained soil. Indoors, watering is crucial. These plants are susceptible to fluctuations in watering, overwatering rots roots and underwatering decreases flowering. They need high humidity, but do not wet the leaves. The soil should be well-drained. Grow on the cool side and give plants bright, filtered light.

    【学名】Antirrhinum majus








Antirrhinum majus (common snapdragon; often - especially in horticulture - simply "snapdragon") is a species of flowering plant belonging to the genus Antirrhinum. It is native to the Mediterranean region, from Morocco and Portugal north to southern France, and east to Turkey and Syria. [2][3] The common name "snapdragon", originates from the flowers' reaction to having their throats squeezed, which causes the "mouth" of the flower to snap open like a dragon's mouth.

It is an herbaceous perennial plant, growing to 0.5–1 m tall, rarely up to 2 m. The leaves are spirally arranged, broadly lanceolate, 1–7 cm long and 2-2.5 cm broad. The flowers are produced on a tall spike, each flower is 3.5-4.5 cm long, zygomorphic, with two 'lips' closing the corolla tube; wild plants have pink to purple flowers, often with yellow lips. The fruit is an ovoid capsule 10–14 mm diameter, containing numerous small seeds[4] The plants are pollinated by bumblebees, and the flowers close over the insects when they enter and deposit pollen on their bodies.

【学名】Calendula officinalis




【形态特征】金盏菊为二年生草本花卉。株高3 0~60cm,全株被粗糙柔毛,茎直立,上部具分枝。叶互生,长椭圆形,基部抱茎。头状花序顶生,花径3.5~7.0cm,有单瓣、重瓣之分,呈乳白至橘红或橙黄等色。花期4月份至5月下旬,若提早播种,可在12月份至翌年3月份开花。瘦果,种子暗黑色。


【繁殖】  一般用播种繁殖,优良品种也可用扦插繁殖。播种繁殖春、秋两季均可进行,但以秋播为好,可于8月卜句至9月中下旬进行,北方宜早,南方宜晚,过早播种或地温高将不利于出苗。苗床或盆土以排水良好而肥沃的壤土为宜,覆土以盖没种子为度,再盖上草遮阴,浇透水,出苗后揭去遮盖物。播后7~10d出苗,长出2~3片真叶时移植。冬季加强覆盖保温,防止秧苗受冻。如移入温室内盆栽,2~3个月开花。春季播种一般60~80d开花。


Calendula officinalis (pot marigold, ruddles, common marigold, garden marigold, English marigold, or Scottish marigold)[2] is a plant in the genusCalendula of the family Asteraceae. It is probably native to southern Europe, though its long history of cultivation makes its precise origin unknown, and it may possibly be of garden origin. It is also widely naturalised further north in Europe (north to southern England) and elsewhere in warm temperate regions of the world.

Calendula officinalis is a short-lived aromatic herbaceous perennial, growing to 80 cm (31 in) tall, with sparsely branched lax or erect stems. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, 5–17 cm (2–7 in) long, hairy on both sides, and with margins entire or occasionally waved or weakly toothed. The inflorescences are yellow, comprising a thick capitulum or flowerhead 4–7 cm diameter surrounded by two rows of hairy bracts; in the wild plant they have a single ring of ray florets surrounding the central disc florets. The disc florets are tubular and hermaphrodite, and generally of a more intense orange-yellow colour than the female, tridentate, peripheral ray florets. The flowers may appear all year long where conditions are suitable. The fruit is a thorny curved achene.

UsesPot marigold florets are edible. They are often used to add color to salads or added to dishes as a garnish and in lieu of saffron. The leaves are edible but are often not palatable. They have a history of use as a potherb and in salads.

  Flowers were used in ancient Greek, Roman, Middle Eastern, and Indian cultures as a medicinal herb as well as a dye for fabrics, foods, and cosmetics. Many of these uses persist today. They are also used to make oil that protects the skin.

【学名】Tagetes erecta








Tagetes erecta, the Mexican marigold, also called Aztec marigold, is a species of the genus Tagetes native to Mexico. Despite its being native to the Americas, it is often called African marigold. In Mexico, this plant is found in the wild in thestates of State of México, Puebla, and Veracruz.

This plant reaches heights of between 50 and 100 cm (20 and 39 in). The Aztecs gathered the wild plant as well as cultivating it for medicinal, ceremonial and decorative purposes. It is widely cultivated commercially with many cultivars in use as ornamental plants, and for the cut-flower trade.

Its flower, the cempasúchil is also called the flor de muertos ("flower of the dead") in Mexico and is used in the Día de los Muertos celebration every 2 November. The word cempazúchitl (also spelled cempasúchil) comes from the Nahuatl term for the flower cempohualxochitl, literally translated as "twenty flower". In Thai language it is called ดาวเรือง [DaoRuang], literally translated as "star glittering".[citation needed] Water infused with the fragrant essential oil of the flower was used to wash corpsesin Honduras, and the flower is still commonly planted in cemeteries.

Since prehispanic times, this plant has been used for medicinal purposes.[citation needed] The Cherokee used it as a skin wash and for yellow dye. This marigold may help protect certain crop plants from nematode pests when planted in fields.It is most effective against the nematode species Pratylenchus penetrans.

The ray florets have been used in lettuce salads and other foods to add colour and flavour. The dried flower petals, ground to a powder, may be used in poultry feed to ensure a good colouration of egg yolks and broiler skin, especially in the absence of well-pigmented yellow maize in the feed.[11] This is still a use today, but now usually in the form of an extract which may have advantages of lower transport and storage cost, better stability and better utilization. It is also used to enhance coloring in crustaceans,[8] such as the Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei).

The oil of the flower may be added to perfumes to infuse an apple scent into them.

Today, T. erecta is grown to extract lutein, a common yellow/orange food colour .

    【学名】Celosia cristata








Celosia cristata is a member of the genus Celosia, and is commonly known as cockscomb, since the flower looks like the head on a rooster (cock). The plants are hardy and resistant to most diseases, and grow equally well indoors or out, though the perfect place is one with no shade and a well drained soil, as the plant is susceptible to fungal diseases. The plant is used frequently as an ornamental plant indoors. Their leaves and flowers can be used as vegetables. They are often grown as foods in India, Western Africa, and South America.

百曰草(Zinnia elegans Jacq)又名节节高、百日菊、对叶梅,为菊科百日草属一年生草本花卉。原产南美洲,墨西哥为分布中心,现世界各地广泛为栽培。


Zinnia elegans, known as youth-and-agecommon zinnia or elegant zinnia, an annual flowering plant of the genus Zinnia, is one of the best known zinnias. It is native to Mexico but grown as an ornamental in many places and naturalised in several places including scattered locations in South and Central America, the West Indies, the United States, Australia, and Italy.

The uncultivated plant grows to about 30 in (76 cm) in height. It has solitary flower heads about 2 inches (5 cm) across. The purple ray florets surround black and yellow discs. The lanceolate leaves are opposite the flower heads.

半支莲(Portulaca grandiflora)俗名死不了、太阳花、大花马齿苋、松叶牡丹,是马齿苋科马齿苋属一年牛肉质草本花卉。原产于南美巴西、阿根廷等地,中国各地广为栽培。


Portulaca grandiflora, (Urduگل دوپہری‎) is a flowering plant in the family Portulacaceae, native to Argentina, southern Brazil, and Uruguay and often cultivated in gardens. It has many common names, including rose mosseleven o'clockMexican rosemoss roseVietnam Rosesun roserock rose, and moss-rose purslane.[citation needed]

It is also seen in South Asia and widely spread in most of the cities with old 18th- and 19th-century architecture in the Balkans. In Pakistan it is called Gul Dopheri, meaning After Noon Flower, as flowers bloom whole after noon in summer's heat. In Bangladesh, it is called "time fuul", meaning "time flower", because the flower has a specific time to bloom. In India, it is called "nau bajiya"or "9 o'clock flower" as it blooms in morning around 9:00 am. In the Philippines, it is called uru-alas dose or like twelve o'clock because it loses its bloom by noon. In Vietnam, it is called"hoa mười giờ" meaning "ten o'clock flower", because the flower is usually in full bloom at 10:00 in the morning. Its buds are often chewed by small birds like the house sparrow.

It is a small, but fast-growing annual plant growing to 30 cm tall, though usually less. However if it is cultivated properly it can easily reach this height. The leaves are thick and fleshy, up to 2.5 cm long, arranged alternately or in small clusters. The flowers are 2.5–3 cm diameter with five petals, variably red, orange, pink, white, and yellow

风仙花(Impatiens balsamina L.)也叫指甲花、小桃红.是风仙花科凤仙花属一年生草本花卉。原产中国及东南亚,现世界各地均有栽培。


Impatiens balsamina (garden balsamgarden jewelweedrose balsamspotted snapweedtouch-me-not) is a species of Impatiens native to southern Asia in IndiaBangladesh and Burma.

It is an annual plant growing to 20–75 cm tall, with a thick, but soft stem. The leaves are spirally-arranged, 2.5–9 cm long and 1–2.5 cm broad, with a deeply toothed margin. The flowers are pink, red, mauvelilac, or white, and 2.5–5 cm diameter; they are pollinated by bees and other insects, and also by nectar-feeding birds. The ripe seed capsules undergo explosive dehiscence.

Different parts of the plant are used as traditional remedies for disease and skin afflictions. Juice from the leaves is used to treat warts and snakebite, and the flower is applied to burns. This species has been used as indigenous traditional medicine in Asia for rheumatism, fractures, and other ailments. In Korean folk medicine, this impatiens species is used as a medicine called bongseonhwa dae (봉선화대) for the treatment of constipation and gastritis. Chinese used the plant to treat those bitten by snakes or who ingested poisonous fish. Juice from the stalk, pulverised dried stalks, and pastes from the flowers were also used to treat a variety of ailments.Vietnamese wash their hair with an extract of the plant to stimulate hair growth. One in vitro study found extracts of this impatiens species, especially of the seed pod, to be active against antibiotic-resistant strains of Helicobacter pylori.It is also an inhibitor of 5α-reductases, enzymes that reduce testosteronelevels.

In Korea, the flowers are used to produce an orange nail varnish.

雏菊(Bellis perennis)又名春菊、延命菊,为菊科雏菊属多年生草本花卉,多作一二年生栽培。原产欧洲、西亚及北非,现世界各地均有栽培。

植株矮小,高度仅为1 5~20cm,全身被毛,叶基生。花单生,花梗长15cm,花瓣条形、平展,有白、桃红、红各色,花期4~6月份。雏菊性耐寒,可在一3℃条件下越冬,怕暑热,宜冬季温和而夏季凉爽的气候,喜肥沃、湿润而排水良好的土壤。雏菊常用种子繁殖,为保持纯种,在夏季凉爽的地区也可采用分株法繁殖。雏菊耐移栽,若加强花期管理可开花不断。雏菊花小巧而整齐,植株丰花,花期长,为优良的早春花卉,可用来装饰花坛、花带和花境,也可盆栽观赏或用来装点岩石园。

Bellis perennis is a common European species of daisy, of the Asteraceae family, often considered the archetypal species of that name.

Many related plants also share the name "daisy", so to distinguish this species from other daisies it is sometimes qualified as common daisylawn daisy or English daisy. Historically, it has also been commonly known as bruisewort and occasionally woundwort (although the common name woundwort is now more closely associated withStachys (woundworts)). Bellis perennis is native to western, central and northern Europe, but widely naturalised in most temperate regions including the Americas and Australasia.

虞美人(Papaver rhoeas)又名丽春花,为罂粟科罂粟属二年生草花。原产欧洲和业洲,现全球广为栽培。


Papaver rhoeas (common names include common poppycorn poppycorn rosefield poppy,Flanders poppy or red poppy) is an annual herbaceous species of flowering plant in the poppy family, Papaveraceae. This poppy is notable as an agricultural weed (hence the common names including "corn" and "field") and after World War I as a symbol of dead soldiers.

Before the advent of herbicides, P. rhoeas sometimes was so abundant in agricultural fields that it could be mistaken for a crop. However, the only species of Papaveraceae grown as a field crop on a large scale is Papaver somniferum, the opium poppy.

羽衣甘蓝(Brassica oleracea var.acephala)也叫叶牡丹、花菜,为十字花科甘蓝属(芸薹属)二年生草本花卉,原产西欧,现中国各地广为栽培。


Brassica oleracea is the species of plant that includes many common foods as cultivars, includingcabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, savoy, kohlrabi and kai-lan.

In its uncultivated form, it is known as wild cabbage. It is native to coastal southern and western Europe. Its high tolerance of salt and lime and its intolerance of competition from other plants typically restrict its natural occurrence to limestone sea cliffs, like the chalk cliffs on both sides of the English Channel,[1] and the windswept coast on the western side of the Isle of Wight.

Wild B. oleracea is a tall biennial plant, forming a stout rosette of large leaves in the first year, the leaves being fleshier and thicker than those of other species of Brassica, adaptations to store water and nutrients in its difficult growing environment. In its second year, the stored nutrients are used to produce a flower spike 1 to 2 metres (3–7 ft) tall bearing numerous yellow flowers.

彩叶草(Coleus hybridus)俗名锦紫苏、洋紫苏、五彩苏、老来少,为唇形科锦紫苏属多年生草本花卉,常作一年生栽培。原产印度尼西亚,现世界各地均有栽培。


Distribution and habitat: Solenostemon scutellarioides is native to south east Asia and Malaysia. Growing to 60–75cm (24–30 inch) tall and wide, it is a bushy, woody-based evergreen perennial, widely grown for its highly decorative variegated leaves. It has been assiduously hybridized over the years into a very large number of vegetative propagated and seed propagated strains with an almost infinite number of leaf color combinations including most colors of the spectrum except true blue.

蜀葵(Amlaea rosea)又名蜀季花、端午锦、一丈红,为锦葵科蜀葵属多年生草本花卉,常作二年生栽培。原产中国西南部,现世界各地广为栽培。


It was imported into western Europe from southwestern Asia and the Balkans during, or possibly before, the 15th century.[1] William Turner, a herbalist of the time, gave it the name "holyoke" from which the English name derives.

Alcea rosea is variously described as a biennial (having a two-year life cycle), as an annual, or as a short-livedperennial. It frequently self-sows, which may create a perception that the plants are perennial. The plant may flower during its first year when sown early.[3] It will grow in a wide range of soils, and can easily reach a height of about 8 feet (2.4 m).

The flowers are a range of colours from white to dark red, including pink, yellow and orange. Different colours prefer different soils. The darker red variety seems to favour sandy soils, while the lighter colour seems to favour clay soils. The plants are easily grown from seed, and readily self-seed. However, tender plants, whether young from seed or from old stock, may be wiped out by slugs and snails. The foliage is subject to attack fromrust (Puccinia malvacearum), which may be treated with fungicides. Commercial growers have reported that some closely related species (Alcea rugosa and Alcea ficifolia) are resistant to this fungus.

波斯菊(Cosmos bipinnatus)又名秋英、秋樱、大波斯菊、扫帚梅,为菊科波斯菊属(秋英属)一年生草本花卉,原产墨西哥,现世界各地均有栽培。


Cosmos bipinnatus, commonly called the garden cosmos or Mexican aster, is a medium-sized flowering herbaceous plant native to Mexico. The species and its varieties and cultivars are popular as an ornamental plant in temperate climate gardens. It naturalized in scattered locations across North AmericaSouth Americathe West IndiesItalyAustralia, and Asia, where it is a garden escape (introduced species) and in some habitats becoming aweed.

Cosmos bipinnatus is considered a half-hardy annual, although plants may reappear via self-sowing for several years. The plant height varies from 2–4 ft (0.61–1.22 m). The cultivated varieties appear in shades of pink and purple as well as white. Its foliage is finely cut into threadlike segments. When flowering, the plant can become top heavy. This problem is alleviated when grown in groups, as the bipinnate leaves interlock, and the colony supports itself.

五色椒(Capsicum frufescens var.Cerasiforme)(Capsicum annuum var. conoides)又名樱桃椒、观赏椒、朝天椒、佛手椒、彩色椒、珍珠椒,为茄科辣椒属多年生草本花卉,常作一年生栽培。原产南、北美洲热带地区,现世界各地广为栽培。


Capsicum annuum is a species of the plant genus Capsicum native to southern North America and northern South America. This species is the most common and extensively cultivated of the five domesticated capsicums. The species encompasses a wide variety of shapes and sizes of peppers, both mild and hot, ranging from bell peppers to chili peppers. Cultivars are descended from the wild American bird pepper still found in warmer regions of the Americas. In the past some woody forms of this species have been called C. frutescens, but the features that were used to distinguish those forms appear in many populations of C. annuum and there is no consistently recognizable C. frutescens species.

蒲包花(Calceolaria herbeohybrida)又名荷包花,为玄参科蒲包花属多年生草本花卉,多作一二年生栽培。原产墨西哥、秘鲁、智利一带,现世界各地均有栽培。


Calceolaria Herbeohybrida Group, also called Calceolaria ×herbeohybrida Voss, is a cultivar group of hybrids in the genus Calceolaria, derived from three species fromChile and Argentina, C. crenatifloraC. corymbosa and C. cana.

Calceolaria Herbeohybrida Group hybrids are usually 30–45 cm (12 to 18 in) tall, sometimes smaller. They have soft stems and flowers can vary from yellow to red. There are a lot of cultivars including 'Gold Fever' with yellow flowers, 'Jewel Cluster' early flowering with mixed colours, 'Sunset mixed' with orange to red flowers, and 'Sunshine' with yellow flowers.

美女樱(Verbena hybrida)又名麻绣球、铺地锦,为马鞭草科马鞭草属多年生草本花卉,常作一二年生栽培。原产南美洲热带地区,现世界各地广为栽培。


The leaves are usually opposite, simple, and in many species hairy, often densely so. The flowersare small, with five petals, and borne in dense spikes. Typically some shade of blue, they may also be white, pink, or purple, especially in cultivars.

