百科知识 16环艺观赏植物:精选主要种类


更新时间:2025-01-02 百科知识 版权反馈







Carex is a vast genus of almost 2,000 species of grassy plants in the family Cyperaceae, commonly known as sedges (or seg, in older books). Other members of the Cyperaceae family are also called sedges, however those of genus Carex may be called "true" sedges, and it is the most species-rich genus in the family. The study of Carex is known as caricology.

Carex oshimensis, commonly known as Oshima kan suge, is a fine-textured sedge that typically grows in a low, grass-like mounded clump to 10-16” tall and as wide. It is native to dry woods and rocky slopes throughout Honshu Island, Japan. This sedge features narrow leaves (typically to 16” long by 5/16” wide). Insignificant brownish flower spikes appear on triangular stems in spring. This sedge is evergreen in the deep South, maintaining good foliage in both summer and winter. It is not totally evergreen in the St. Louis area, although some foliage color will persist through mild winters. Plants are similar in appearance to Carex morrowii.

Genus name from Latin means cutter in reference to the sharp leaves and stem edges (rushes are round but sedges have edges) found on most species' plants.

‘Evergold’ is a popular variegated cultivar that is ornamentally grown in part shade areas for its arching, ornamentally attractive foliage. Each leaf features a broad, creamy, yellowish-white center stripe bordered on each side by thin narrow dark green margins.

【学名】Carcx buchananii  (Carex sp.)


【识别特征】多年生常绿草本,植株叶高3 0~5 0cm,展幅10~20cm。叶棕色,丛生。




Carex buchananii, commonly known as leatherleaf sedge, is a perennial evergreen sedge that is native to New Zealand. Narrow, fine, upright, grass-like, copper-bronze to cinnamon-brown leaves (less than 1/2” wide) rise to 18-24” tall, arching slightly at the tips. Unixexual flowers appear in summer (June-August), but the flowers are ornamentally insignificant (small, green and lacking petals or sepals) and often sparse. Solid triangular stems distinguish sedges, including the species herein, from grasses which have round and usually hollow stems.

Around 2,000 species of Carex grow in a variety of habitats (often moist to wet areas) throughout the world. Identification of individual species can be very difficult.

Genus name from Latin means cutter in reference to the sharp leaves and stem edges (rushes are round but sedges have edges) found on most species' plants.

Specific epithet honors John Buchanan (1819-1898), New Zealand botanist.

The most well-known of the many Hair Sedges from New Zealand, performing best in regions with similar mild winter climates. Plants form upright clumps of very fine, hair-like leaves in a most unusual bronzy-cinnamon colour. Outstanding as a colour contrast in the border. Also nice in the rock garden or containers. Plants are inclined to self seed, but may also be easily divided in the spring. In cold climates these winter best with excellent drainage. Evergreen.

【学名】Carex giraldiana 






Rhizome creeping, woody. Culms 16-30 cm tall, compressed trigonous, smooth, clothed at base with pale brown sheaths disintegrating into fibers. Leaves shorter than or equaling culm, blades light green, linear, 2-5 mm wide, slightly rigid, margins scabrous, revolute. Involucral bracts shortly bladed, sheathing. Spikes 3-5, distant; terminal spikes male, clavate-cylindric, ca. 1 cm; lateral spikes female, often with male flowers at apex, ovate, 3-5-flowered, 6-8 mm; peduncles scabrous, upper 2 enclosed, lower 2 exserted. Female glumes yellowish white, oblong, green 3-veined costa excurrent into a scabrous mucro at subtruncate apex. Utricles yellow-green, subequaling glume, obliquely patent, obovate, inflated trigonous, 5-6 mm, hirsute, many veined, apex abruptly contracted into a cylindric beak, orifice 2-toothed. Nutlets tightly enveloped, obovate, trigonous with angles constricted at middle, faces concave at base, base shortly stipitate, apical beak expanding into a discoid-annulate orifice; style base enlarged; stigmas 3. Fl. and fr. Mar-May.

【学名】Pennisetum alopecuroides L.



【识别特征】  暖季型多年生草本,植株呈喷泉状,株高30~140cm。叶片线形,扁平,具脊,顶端长渐尖,通常内卷,叶缘有非常细的锯齿,质感细腻。穗状圆锥花序形似狼尾,突出叶片,直立或呈弧形,花序下密生柔毛,小穗具有较长的紫色刚毛,具有微小糙刺,成熟后通常呈黑紫色;花期7月中旬~11月底。颖果扁平长圆形,长约3.5mm。果熟期9月下旬~12月份。





Pennisetum alopecuroides (Chinese pennisetum, Chinese fountaingrass, dwarf fountain grass, foxtail fountain grass, swamp foxtail grass) is a species of perennial grass native to Asia and Australia. Culms are erect, and 60–100 cm long; leaf-blades are erect or drooping; flat, or conduplicate, or involute; and from 10–45 cm long by 3–6 mm wide. Pronunciation: Pennisetum (pen-ih-SEE-tum) alopecuroides.

【学名】Festuca glauca



栽培品种有‘迷你’蓝羊茅‘Minimao’,高仅10cm:‘蓝灰’蓝羊茅‘Caesia’,高30cm,叶较细;  ‘铜之蓝’蓝羊茅‘Azurit’,高30cm,偏于蓝色,银色较少;  ‘哈尔茨’蓝羊茅‘Harz’,呈深暗的蓝色;  ‘米尔布’蓝羊茅‘MeerblaU’.叶片蓝。




Festuca glauca, commonly known as blue fescue, is a species of flowering plant in the grass family, Poaceae. It is a commonly cultivated evergreen or semi-evergreen herbaceous perennial.

F. glauca is a clump-forming ornamental grass noted for its glaucous, finely-textured, blue-gray foliage. The foliage forms a dome-shaped, porcupine-like tuft of erect to arching, needle-like 9-ribbed blades, radiating upward and outward to a length of 140-180 mm. Light green flowers with a purple tinge appear in terminal panicles atop stems rising above the foliage in late spring to early summer, but inflorescences are not very showy. Flowers give way to puffy wheat-like seed-heads.

【学名】Stipa tenuissima






Stipa is a genus of around 300 large perennial hermaphroditic grasses collectively known as feather grass, needle grass, and spear grass. They are placed in the subfamily Pooideae and the tribe Stipeae.

Many species are important forage crops. Several species such as Stipa brachytricha, S. arundinacea, S. splendens, S. calamagrostis, S. gigantea and S. pulchra are used as ornamental plants. One species, esparto grass (Stipa tenacissima), is used for crafts and extensively in paper making.

No other grass exhibits quite the refinement of texture as this species. Its bright green foliage resembles delicate filaments that arise in elegant, vase-like clumps and spill outward like a soft fountain. All summer it bears a profusion of feathery panicles, which mature from foamy-green to blonde. It is native to the Americas.

Care: Grow in moderately fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. Remove the old foliage of evergreen species in early spring.

Propagation: Sow seed in a cold frame in spring; divide from midspring to early summer.

Problems: Damping off, rust, smut, brown patch, brown stripe, eye spot.

【学名】Calamagrostis Xacuti—flora






Calamagrostis (reed grass or smallweed[3]) is a genus in the grass family Poaceae, with about 260 species[4] that occur mainly in temperate regions of the globe. Towards equatorial latitudes, species of Calamagrostis generally occur at higher elevations. These tufted perennials usually have hairless narrow leaves. The ligules are usually blunt. The inflorescence forms a panicle. Some may be reed-like.

The plants may be rhizomatous (underground stems with shoots), stoloniferous (with runners), or caespitose (growing in tufts or clumps).

The bisexual spikelets have a single floret and generally they are purple or purple-brown. The spikelets are clustered into inflorescences, which usually develop in early- to mid-summer on long culms ( = stems). Some Calamagrostis can be very decorative; for example, in North America, Britain and Europe, a hybrid cultivar of Calamagrostis (Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster') is widely grown as an ornamental grass.

The word "calamagrostis" is derived from the Greek word kalamos (reed) and agrostis (a kind of grass).

Many species of Calamagrostis are morphologically similar, but they generally occur in distinct habitats, and they have unique geographical distributions. Given the subtle distinctions between many closely related taxa, there are several species complexes that could benefit from additional systematic study. Even the generic boundaries of the genus are controversial. For example, species in the genus Deyeuxia, distributed largely in the southern hemisphere are morphologically very similar to species of Calamagrostis. It may be appropriate to recognize all of these species in a single genus, but this will require detailed scientific study of DNA of species from around the world.

【学名】Arundo donax var.versicolor







Very popular for use in large perennial beds, often seen grown as a large specimen or focal point in parks and botanical gardens. Plants form a tall upright clump of corn-like leaves, strongly striped with green and white or creamy-yellow. Spikes of pinkish flowers may appear in the autumn. Roots can become large and woody, so division of old clumps in spring can become quite a task. Where not hardy this may be grown in a container, cut back in late fall and wintered indoors.

【学名】Miscanthus sinensis‘Variegatus’





【观赏与应用 叶色美丽而株型挺拔,可孤植或丛植,用于花坛、花境、岩石园、小区别墅  和庭院中,还可作假山、湖边的背景材料。

Miscanthus sinensis, commonly known as Chinese silver grass, Japanese silver grass or eulalia grass, is a clump-forming warm season grass that typically grows to 3-7’ tall. It is native to lowlands and lower alpine areas in Japan, Korea and China. It has escaped gardens and naturalized in over 25 states in the Central and Eastern U.S. east of the Mississippi River plus in several western States including Colorado and California.

This grass features a dense clump of upward-arching stems and leaves which give it a rounded, fountain-like appearance. Linear leaves (to 3-4’ long and 3/8” wide) have tapered tips, serrate margins and whitish to silvery midribs. Foliage often turns attractive shades of yellow to orange by mid-fall before gradually fading to beige-tan for winter. Pink to red flowers in feathery, whisk-like, loose terminal panicles (8-10” long) bloom above the foliage from late August to October. Flower panicles gradually turn beige by mid-fall as the seeds mature. Flower panicles and foliage both retain good arching shape, beige color and ornamental interest throughout winter, with enhanced attractiveness often coming from a covering of new fallen snow.

Miscanthus sinensis will spread somewhat invasively in the landscape, particularly in some of the milder areas of its growing range. It often initially spreads to disturbed sites such as roadsides, railroad right-of-ways or woodland margins. Invasive potential for the species is significant, but is of less concern for many of the numerous ornamental cultivars, some of which are sterile.

Genus name comes from the Greek words miskos meaning a stem and anthos meaning flower in reference to the stalked spikelets.

Specific epithet means Chinese.

This grass was once included in the genus Eulalia, but was subsequently reclassified to the genus Miscanthus with retention of its common name of Eulalia grass by many gardeners.

'Variegatus' is a variegated eulalia grass cultivar which typically grows in an arching, rounded clump to 5-6' tall (flower plumes can increase height to as much as 7- 9' tall). Features leaf blades variegated with green and white stripes, with white being the predominant color from a distance. Foliage fades to tan after frost. Tiny reddish flowers appear in tassel-like inflorescences which rise above the foliage clump in September, gradually turning into silvery plumes in fall as the seeds mature. Plumes persist well into winter providing good winter interest.

【学名】Spodiopogon sibiricus Trin.







Spodiopogon sibiricus is a species of perennial grass in the Poaceae family.

It is native to Siberia, Mongolia, China, Korea, and Japan.

Culms are solitary, erect, 70–200 cm in height, 2–4 mm in diameter, and unbranched.

【学名】Acorus calamus







Acorus calamus (also called sweet flag or calamus, among many common names) is a tall perennial wetland monocot of the Acoraceae family, in the genus Acorus.

Sweet Sedge is a perennial herb, 30 to 100 cm tall. In habit it resembles the Iris. It consists of tufts of basal leaves that rise from a spreading rhizome. The leaves are erect yellowish-green, radical, with pink sheathing at their bases, sword-shaped, flat and narrow, tapering into a long, acute point, and have parallel veins. The leaves have smooth edges, which can be wavy or crimped. The sweet sedge can easily be distinguished from the Iris and other similar plants, by the unusual crimped edges of the leaves, the fragant odour it emits when crushed, and the unusual flower spadix.

The solid, triangular flower-stems rise from the axils of the outer leaves. A semi-erect spadix emerges from one side of the flower stem. The spadix is solid, cylindrical, tapers at each end, and is 5 to 10 cm in length. A covering spathe, as is usual with Acoraceae, is absent. The spadix is densely crowded with tiny greenish-yellow flowers arranged in diamond-shaped pattern. Each flower contains six petals and stamens enclosed in a perianth with six divisions and surrounding a three-celled, oblong ovary with a sessile stigma. The flowers are sweetly fragrant. In Europe it flowers for about a month in late spring or early summer, but usually does not bear fruit there. Only plants that grow in water bear flowers. The fruit is a berry filled with mucus, which when ripe falls into the water and thus disperses. Even in Asia it fruits sparingly and propagates itself mainly by spreading its rhizome, forming colonies.

The branched, cylindrical, knobby rhizome is about a finger thick and has numerous coarse fibrous roots below it. The exterior is brown and the interior white.

【学名】Lotus corniculatus L.






【观赏与应用】因其耐盐碱、耐践踏等多种优点,常种植于岩石园、野生植物园的树下浓荫  处作缀花地被植物。茎干可作饲料,一年收2~3次。

Lotus corniculatus is a common flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae, native to grassland in temperate Eurasia and North Africa. Common names include common bird's-foot trefoil and just bird's-foot trefoil, though the common name is often also applied to other members of the genus. It is also known in cultivation in North America as bird's-foot deervetch.

It is a perennial herbaceous plant, similar in appearance to some clovers. The flowers are mostly visited by bumblebees and develop into small pea-like pods or legumes. The name 'bird's foot' refers to the appearance of the seed pods on their stalk. Five leaflets are present, but with the central three held conspicuously above the others, hence the use of the name 'trefoil'. It is often used as forage and is widely used as food for livestock due to its nonbloating properties.

【学名】Trifolium repens







Trifolium repens, the white clover (also known as Dutch clover, Ladino clover, or Ladino), is a herbaceous perennial plant in the bean family Fabaceae. It is native to Europe and central Asia. One of the most widely cultivated types of clover, it has been widely introduced worldwide as a forage crop, and is now also common in most grassy areas (lawns and gardens) of North America and New Zealand. The species includes varieties often classed as small, intermediate and large, according to height, which reflects petiole length. The term “white clover” is applied to the species in general, “Dutch clover” is often applied to intermediate varieties (but sometimes to smaller varieties), and “ladino clover” is applied to large varieties.

The genus name, Trifolium, derives from the Latin tres, "three", and folium, "leaf", so called from the characteristic form of the leaf, which usually but not always has three leaflets (trifoliate); hence the popular name "trefoil". The species name, repens, is Latin for "creeping".

【学名】Miscanthus giganteus







Miscanthus × giganteus, giant miscanthus, is a large, perennial grass hybrid of Miscanthus sinensis and Miscanthus sacchariflorus. This full sun plant grows 8-12 ft (240–360 cm) tall each year and is best suited for hardiness Zones 5 - 9.

M. × giganteus is a C4 plant, and thus exhibits greater photosynthetic efficiency and lower water use requirements than other kinds of plants.[4] It has very low nutritional requirements – it has high nitrogen use efficiency and therefore is capable of growing well on barren land without the aid of heavy fertilization. M. × giganteus is a sterile hybrid and therefore propagates vegetatively underground through its rhizomes. Additional researched benefits of M. × giganteus include its ability to sequester carbon into the earth.

It is currently used in the European Union as a commercial energy crop, as a source of heat and electricity, or converted into biofuel products such as ethanol.

Manufacturers such as AgriKinetics, NNRGY Crops, and Aloterra are currently exploring the possibility of using Miscanthus grass as input for plastics and other products traditionally constructed from petroleum fuels, trees or land resources (for example limestone).

【学名】Panicum virgatum





【观赏应用  可片植或条带种植,是配置花境的理想材料。目前,柳枝稷在美国园林栽培品种中野生驯化品种逐渐增多,凭借其旺盛的生命力和多变的形态,从路边无人问津的野草逐渐成为美国现代园林的新星。在我国园林中应用也很受欢迎。

Panicum virgatum, commonly known as switchgrass, is a perennial warm season bunchgrass native to North America, where it occurs naturally from 55°N latitude in Canada southwards into the United States and Mexico. Switchgrass is one of the dominant species of the central North American tallgrass prairie and can be found in remnant prairies, in native grass pastures, and naturalized along roadsides. It is used primarily for soil conservation, forage production, game cover, as an ornamental grass, in phytoremediation projects, fiber, electricity, heat production, for biosequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and more recently as a biomass crop for ethanol and butanol.  Other common names for switchgrass include tall panic grass, Wobsqua grass, blackbent, tall prairiegrass, wild redtop, thatchgrass, and Virginia switchgrass.

【学名】Reineckea carnea (Andr.)kunth













【学名】Saivia officinalis







【观赏与应用】  既是优良的观赏植物,也是重要的药用植物,花可用来泡茶,散发清香味,可清除体内油脂,帮助循环,养颜美容,具有防腐、抗菌、抗炎之效。

【学名】Andropogon yunnanensis Hack





观赏应用  秋天整个植株变为紫红色,白色柔毛伸出颖壳,景观效果独特。主要作为园林景观中的点缀植物,孤植或从植于花坛、花境及庭院.还可盆栽欣赏。   

【学名】Tulbaghia vielacea





繁殖栽培 可用播种、分株或鳞茎繁殖。全年均可进行,成活率极高,只要掘取带有鳞茎的幼株或成株另植即可。掘取的鳞茎最好有3~4个连附者为佳,伸长的叶片剪去2/3再种植。  


【学名 Eragrostis pilosa (L.)Beauv.



    【识别特征】  一年生草本植物,暖季型。秆丛生,株高40~80Cm o叶片长40~50cm,狭条状,叶舌有一圈短纤毛绿色;叶鞘光滑或鞘口生长柔毛,有脊。开放型圆锥花序,小穗长圆形着3-14朵小花;花期6~10月份。颖果长圆形,黄棕色。最佳观员别7~11月份。


繁殖与栽培 播种繁殖,可春播或秋播。栽植容易,病虫害少,养护管理粗放。

观赏应用 开花如满天星般繁密,且花期较长,长达5个月。主要作为园林景观中的点缀植物,多孤植,或用于花带、花境配置。在公路、护坡等处种植也非常适宜。

 【学名】Imperata cylindrica‘Rubra’


    【识别特征】  多年生草本,株高60cm。叶丛生,剑形,常年保持深血红色。圆锥花序,小穗银白色,花期夏末。



【学名】Miscanthus sacchariflorus







【学名】Arrhellatherum elatius vat.tuberosum f.variegatuum








【学名】Deschampsia caespitosa


【识别特缸】  多年生草本,冷季型。株高1m左右,密簇丛生,叶片狭细,深绿色,早春开始生长。圆锥花序开展,长20~25cm,突出植株约50cm(图15—24);淡绿色,花期5~6月份。春夏叶子会发黄,略有枯萎状。




【学名】Arundinella hirta (Thunb.)






【学名】Cotaderia selloana(Schult)






